Chapter Four - Part Two

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He was drawn to Matthew McKinnon's. Lucan sat against the wall in the corner and watched as before. Although he looked with the same eyes he saw differently. The pain in his thigh still remained. It had awakened him, told him that though Kat was dead, he was alive.

So, he waited.

Waited for Meggy to come to him.

When she did, a mix of excitement and fear ran through him. He remembered the first time he had ever had this sensation. He had been sixteen, couldn't remember the girl's name, only that she had been just as eager.

Lucan watched as Meggy made her way through the crowded room. Her long fair hair as she pushed it behind one ear. Her lashes as they fluttered with some innocence that she still contained. Her body and hips with their gentle swagger. He realised as he studied her, she was nothing at all like Kat. Though they were both fair, Meggy was taller. She was rounder, softer. There was more to her than Kat. He looked up at her as she stood before him and saw the firelight flicker in her amber eyes. She touched the table with her hand. Lucan swallowed the rigid lump that was caught in his throat.

"You have come back?" she said.

Lucan held her eyes with his gaze and nodded, just once.

She smiled and touched his shoulder, bent down and whispered, "And tis it me you have come tae see?"

The feel of her warm breath in his ear surged through him; it rushed to every part of his body.

Meggy felt him shudder and she knew, ah... yes... she knew, it was her he had come to see. She slid onto the chair beside him and looked up at his dark features. "You are such a braw man, sir. What is your name?"

His eyebrows rose a little as his eyes darken and she knew he had not realised that she did not know his name.


He offered no more so Meggy continued, "And your son, Lucan. What did you call your loun?"

Lucan raised his glass to his lips before saying, "The lad has been named Riley." He threw his head back and let the warm liquid pour into his mouth. He placed the empty glass on the table and stared at her.

"Would you like another, Lucan? I shall get it for you."

"Tis not the drink I want tonight."

Meggy pushed hair behind her ear with a stroke of her finger, hung her head and blushed.

Lucan reached out and touched her. Gently he took hold of her long, thick, honey-coloured waves and let the silken strands slip through his fingers. "You were very kind to me once, Miss Meggy. Soft and gentle. Something I have never forgotten."

Looking up at him, Meggy smiled. "Is there now... something more... I can do for you, Lucan?"

He nodded and ran his thumb over her lips. Felt their wetness and their warmth.

She sucked in her breath. He was so gentle; had remembered her name. Not many men ever did this. Mostly they were drunk and rough. She was a whore to them, a vessel. Tears welled in her eyes. This man made her feel needed and though she knew he too wanted to use her body; she was sure he saw her as a person also.

Lucan touched her lashes with his fingers and gently wiped away her tears. He took her by the hand and pulled her to her feet. She followed him out through the door.

He said nothing as he walked along the cobbled street with Meggy beside him. Lucan drew her closer and wrapped his arm around her. Though he did not fully understand her sadness, he thought she wanted him to comfort her as she had comforted him.

When he reached the house where she had a room he stopped. Lucan turned her toward him, kissed her lightly on the lips, touched her neck with his hands and pushed his fingers into her hair. "If it's not what you want, Miss Meggy, you must tell me," he whispered.

She looked up at his face and smiled. "Oh... tis what I want. Always I have wanted a man to treat me as gently as you do now."

He sat on the narrow cot and watched as she let her dress slide slowly from her shoulders

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He sat on the narrow cot and watched as she let her dress slide slowly from her shoulders. When her arms and breasts were exposed, he pulled her toward him. Lucan felt like that boy of many years ago, eager and anxious, afraid to touch and be touched, yet wanting it more than anything else at that moment. His fingers stroked her lightly, beginning at her neck. As he moved them lower, he felt her tense, felt her stop breathing, felt her anticipation.

She was warm and soft, smooth and silky. He realised how much he missed touching a woman. Lucan caressed her nipples gently with his thumbs. Her quiet gasp urged him on. He took her nipple in his mouth, ran his tongue around and over it. As they hardened and peaked Lucan closed his eyes, he let the feel of her flesh and the sounds of her breathing wash over him. He moved his hands to her skirts and lifted them until he touched the back of her legs. She raised his face towards hers and kissed his lips. Lucan sensed her undoing the buttons of his shirt and her fingers on his chest. He lay back on the cot, pulled her down with him until she was straddled on top of him. Then he ran his hands higher and cupped the smooth firm softness of her naked backside. "Ah... dear Jesus."

Meggy smiled down at him as he whispered the words. She leaned forward and touched his cheek with her full moist lips.

He could see his reflection in her beautiful clear eyes. Her lips caressed his face, and as they found his, Lucan eased his fingers inside of her. She sighed heavily against his mouth and moved her body to the rhythm of his hand.

Her sleek softness, her wetness, escalated Lucan's desire. He lay her down beside him, her hair like silk spread on the bedding, her breaths slow and deep.

Meggy's eyes were upon him as he stood and undressed. Lucan saw his want mirrored on her face. As he came to her, she ran her hands down his chest and over the tight muscles of his backside. Lucan shuddered when she seized his rigid phallus.

"Ah, dear Jesus, Sweet Meggy, it's been so long since I've felt this way." Meggy drew him to her.

At the feel of her warmth, he poured into her. When he finally stopped shuddering, he lay with his head on her chest. "I'm sorry... so sorry... I wanted to please you."

She trailed her fingers down his face and kissed his lips with tenderness. "You have pleased me, Lucan. More than you'll ever know." 

Meggy will leave the story for a while, but I promise she will come back. ♥

Photo copy rights - top - James-Fletcher Bradford Museums and Galleries

Middle - A tenement room - www.census.nationalarchives

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