Chapter Ten

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When Meggy returned to the bar she started to clean the now cluttered, beer-spilt tables. She worked solid for a good half hour, ignoring the pleas of other men wanting her to come and sit with them. She moved from table to table, gently pushing away intrusive hands and lurid remarks. Bill insisted after each customer the girls had to put in at least thirty minutes of clearing before the next. Meggy always tried to drag out the cleaning duties as long as she could. Sometimes Bill or Beatrice would bring interested customers to her or scold her for not entertaining her evening's quota of men. Meggy didn't care if she didn't make as much as some of the other girls. She couldn't see the point. This life had her and she figured what was the rush. It wasn't a lot of money that she wanted because money couldn't buy her love.

Meggy put down her cloth, snuck out to the meat safe and took a couple of swigs from the whiskey bottle. She headed back out to the bar and lifted the cloth. As she approached a group of sailors, she saw Timothy Bain stand up and call out to her. Meggy tried to ignore him. Timothy was a pig. He was of a higher class, dressed better and had more money but was impatient, felt his needs should come before everyone else's and his personal hygiene was appalling not to mention the odour of his breath. Meggy figured he probably only bathed once a year. The two good things about him were, that he came quickly, and always paid more than the going rate.

She waved her hand at him, knowing he would be annoyed that she didn't approach him and hoped he'd find another. Meggy indicated she was already taken, and then continued towards the circle of sailors playing cards at a nearby table. She leaned between two men and offered to wipe down their table. Some of the sailors scowled, not wanting the interruption, others looked at her with interest and some totally ignored her.

Meggy was disappointed at their lack of response. If she couldn't find a customer fast her next would have to be Timothy Bain. She looked around and saw the naval officer from earlier watching her. He was leaning against the wall at the back of the room. Meggy smiled at him, smoothed down her skirt and made her way through the crowd toward him. She flirted with this one and that one on the way, and seductively brushed her hair behind her ear when she finally approached him. "Hello again," she said. Meg could tell he was the sort of man who thought something of himself. She guessed he probably had a wife somewhere who was very proper and children who obeyed his every order.

He didn't answer but looked down at her with a slight smirk. It made her feel uncomfortable. Meggy thought perhaps she'd have been better off with Timothy Bain.

"Are you havin' a nice evein', sir?" she said.

"Yes, thank you."

She fiddled with her hair. "Are you all right for a drink?"

He lifted his glass and looked inside. "Yes... for the moment."

Meg didn't know what to say next. Most men made an offer to buy her one. Some joked, others got straight to the business of taking her upstairs. She pushed a strand of hair behind her ear and placed one hand on her hip. "And did you see Bill at the bar?"

He nodded and grinned down at her; aware that he was making her uncomfortable.

Meggy thought, what a stuck-up man he was. She didn't need to be made to feel like she was a female animal on heat. "Well, I'm glad tae hear you got that sorted. Now if you'll excuse me." She turned to leave.

He grabbed her upper arm. "Anyone you said. Isn't that what you told me?"

Meggy tried to prise his fingers from her arm and frowned at him, not understanding what he was on about.

Releasing his grip, he raised his eyebrows. "You told me earlier, miss, that any of these ladies would be willing to have my company."

She nodded. "Aye, sir. That is what I said. Has someone turned you down?"

He smirked once more and licked his lips. "No... but I've been waiting for some time for you to come back."

"I'm nae sure of your meaning, sir."

He took hold of her chin, held it a little firmer than was necessary and looked intently at her. "How old are you?"

Meg pulled her face away. "You're hurtin' me, sir."

"I'm sorry." He stroked her gently. "It's been a while since I've touched something as delicate as you."

Meggy took a small step backwards and smiled uncertainly.

He noticed the distance she tried to place between them so stepped toward her as he said, "How about you show me upstairs?"

Meggy wasn't sure she wanted to. She swallowed before saying, "Bill will have tae know." She pointed towards the bar. "I'll go and tell him."

Before she could leave, he grabbed her arm again and smiled. "No need," he said. "I've paid him already and he said to suit myself."

She nodded uncertainly as he pulled her toward the stairs.

I don't think I like this man.

Photo - DevianArt - Victorian Prostitute.

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