Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Da, Miss Rowles is sick. Mister Lewis says she's indisposed." Covey chewed on his mashed potato and looked at his father curiously. "What does indisposed mean, Da?"

Lucan glanced at Meggy, and then at his son. "It means she's not well, lad."

Nodding, Covey took another mouthful of food and once again studied his father. "Is it because you don't like her anymore, Da? Is it because you like Meggy better?"

"Yeah..." Lucan tried to remain serious. "It could have something to do with it. I'm not real sure she might just be sick with the flu."

Covey cocked his head and studied his father. "Are you and Meggy gonna make a baby, Da... you know, now that ya sleep in the same room?" He paused and before Lucan could answer he added, "It's not so nice sleeping in the same room as Uncle Thaiter. He snores. I don't know how you put up with that, Da. It's much nicer sleepin' with Meggy. Maybe me and Riley could sleep in there too, seen as most times you and Meggy is in the same bed and me and Riley is in the same bed."

Lucan laughed as Meggy's face turned bright red. She got up and started to clear the table of dirty dishes.

"I think you ask a lot of questions, Covey, but there's no room for you and Riley in our room so you'll just have to get used to sleeping with your Uncle Thaiter." Lucan stood, scooped Riley up from his chair and wiped his face. "You finished there, Covey, because it's time for bed."

Pushing his chair back, Covey said, "If you make a baby, Da, can it be a girl because Riley's a pest and maybe a girl wouldn't get as dirty as him."

Chuckling, Lucan put his hand on Covey's head and steered him towards the bedroom. "When it comes to making babies, Covey, you don't get any say at all, you just get what ya given."

Meggy was putting the last of the dishes away when Lucan came back into the kitchen. He stood behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her neck.

She giggled and squirmed. "You're givin' me goose bumps, Lucan, and you need a shave."

He pulled her closer, so her backside pressed against his erection. "I'd much rather make a baby," he whispered into her ear.

Pushing at his arms, Meggy said, "Lucan, let me go. I've got things to do."

"What's the matter?" Lucan spun her around.

"Nothing." She frowned. "I've just got to finish up here and you need to shave because it hurts when you've got whiskers."

"All right I'll shave but what's wrong?"

"There's nothing wrong." Meggy turned back to the tub of water to pick it up.

Lucan stayed behind her and prevented her from lifting it. "There is," he said as he turned her and lifted her chin. Silent tears rolled down her cheeks. "What's wrong, Meg? Please tell me?"

"I might not be able to give you children, Lucan." Meggy touched the front of his shirt and fiddled with one of the buttons. "It's never happened yet... you know... though I took precautions and such but if you want more children, it's unlikely I'll be able to give them to you so you might want to rethink being with me."

He bought his face level with hers and kissed away her tears. "It's no matter, Meg. If there's a child all well and good, if there's not so be it. The lads are enough as far as geats go." Lucan touched her lips with his and marvelled at how soft and warm hers were.

"Meggy, it's you I want. If you can't have children, it's still you I want. I love you, Meg. Please don't be sad about this." Lucan kissed her again.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and sobbed against his shoulder. "But I want to have a child. I want to have your child."

Running his hand down the back of her head, Lucan rocked her gently. "We can only try, Meg. If it's not meant to be then it's not meant to be and I won't be upset." He lifted her face with both of his hands and looked deep into her eyes. "Meggy, I lost one woman I loved through childbirth. I don't want to lose another so if you can't have children, I'm good with it. I don't want to lose you."

She wiped her tears away and tried to smile. "I'll finish up here and you shave. I'm alright now."

Lucan kissed her forehead and watched her carry the tub of water outside. He filled a basin, got his shaving kit and removed his shirt.

By the time Meggy came back into the kitchen he had almost finished. He stopped shaving and studied her. "Are you alright?"

Meggy nodded and smiled meekly at him. "I was just looking at the moon and needed to be alone for a bit." She paused. "I've never thought about babies before and Covey sayin' it made me scared that I cannae have them and I want to, Lucan. But if I can't I'll accept it. You know I love the lads."

Lucan put his razor on the table and held his hand out towards her. He pulled her down so she sat straddled on his lap. "I love you, Meggy. If we have a bairn then we have a bairn, if we don't then we don't. Whichever way, so long as I still have you, I'll be happy."

She ran her hand into his hair and kissed his mouth. "I love you too, Lucan. I love you so much. I just want to make you happy and I thought if I cannae have a baby you'd be disappointed."

Lucan didn't answer instead he pulled her closer and kissed her tenderly. He felt her soft warm lips and body against his and felt his desire intensify. Lucan ran his hands over her backside. His breathing escalated, she was his, she was beautiful and he yearned for her constantly. He untied the bow at the top her blouse and lifted it over her head. "Ah... Meg I love the sight of you." His lips met hers again as he pushed her skirt up. Lucan knew she wore no drawers and loved that she was naked so he could run his hand over her bare skin. He loved the feel of her silky softness, the way she responded, the way she wanted him. Her breath was warm on his mouth, he felt Meggy undoing the buttons on his trousers. When her hands touched him, he kissed her harder and lifted her so his mouth could claim her nipple. As she gasped for breath Lucan eased her down on him. He heard her whimper softly as he drew her closer so he could be deep inside of her. Lucan released a heavy breath and closed his eyes as she moved her body against his. Never had a woman made love to him like Meggy did. She let him own her, always wanted him as he did her.

"Dear Jesus, girl..." he whispered. "You drive me wild."

She felt his deep breathes in her hair, heard his words but she could not answer. Lucan filled her heart and soul, and his large hands on her hips and backside held her where she wanted to be. Meggy's body tensed as the yearning deep inside grew. It simmered quietly, caused her to moan against Lucan's lips as she struggled to breathe. "Oh, Lucan... I... I love you so much..." Meggy's body burst from the inside and she felt him instantly respond, he tensed and pulled her closer, then his body relaxed as she lay her head against his neck. Meggy felt warm tears on her face. She wondered how he had the power to make her feel the way she did.

Holding her close, Lucan cupped her head in his hand as she rested against him. He touched her face with his fingers and found the trail of tears he knew would be there. Lucan squeezed her closer. "I love that I can do that to you, Meg. That I can make you respond like you do and that I can please you."

She kissed him, laughed quietly, and then whispered, "Let's go to bed so we can do it again."

Lucan chuckled, stood up, stepped out of his trousers and carried her down the hall.

This conversation about having children had to happen. I'm so glad that Meggy brought it up and I love the way Lucan handled it.  He loves her so much and doesn't want to lose her xoxo

Photo - alamy stock photo

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