Author Note

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*Children of Toil* was originally called *Let Your Feet Take You* because of the last line and because at the time of re-reading it, when I'd first finished writing the story, I realised I had used the term in a few of the chapters. One that comes to mind is just after Kat dies and Lucan is grieving in the street, he stands, and *lets his feet take him*...

Then after a lot of thought, and realising I had used the word *toil* as in *Men of Toil* in the chapter where Lucan gets in a fight with Scarper, and then where Thaiter is talking about working on the railway, and, it being the name of the group of men who had pushed for higher wages, I thought *toil* also implied the hardship of living, not just working physically, but emotionally too, and since that is the basis of the story, I changed the title. I used *children* because we are all born to toil at life. ♥♥

Children of Toil is the second book that I ever wrote, the first being Chains to Freedom.

Thank you to everyone who has got this far, for all your support, but special thanks goes to those ten or so people who have supported me continuously. I won't name you, but you know who you are, some of you vote and comment, and we've gotten to know each other well. Some of you just vote or put a random comment to let me know you're there. Either way, I see you and remember you each time you read. ❤ I can't tell you how much it means to me to have you in my life. Though we have never met in person, I will always cherish you. ♥♥♥

Now, in case you're wondering, Meggy and Lucan did have a child. A little girl that they named Katrina. They, and Thaiter, left Irvinebank, bought land, like Lucan always wanted to, and became corn growers in a little town on the Atherton Tablelands, called Kairi. Thaiter built a home in one corner, set up a chicken farm and sold the eggs. He met a fine lady who rode a fine horse and he never had to visit Cairns for that one special day every year, again. 😉

Their property is now worth millions of dollars as it is on fertile land, in what they call, The Golden Triangle. Land that is very much like the Hills and Dales of Ireland.

Covey, the clever lad, grew up and became a doctor. Riley went to war, got wounded in the Battle of the Somme, returned to Australia, and ran his own logging company. And you'll never believe it but, Little Kat became a school teacher. Heaven forbid. You'd think Meggy and Lucan would have talked her out of that. Haha

Lucan and Meggy had twelve grand children and thirty-three great grandchildren, now scattered all over the world. ♥

Is the above all true? Maybe. ;)

I hope you have enjoyed Children of Toil.

If you enjoy my work below are other titles that I have published on Wattpad.

Stolen - Historical Fiction. An orphaned girl. A young duke. Each fighting to survive their circumstances in the 1830's. She is taken in by a wealthy family. He is striped of everything and taken into slavery by Barbary Coast pirates. From the first day they meet, their lives are forever connected. Work in progress.

Twenty-Three Hundred - Dystopian - A bomb. A virus. It's the end of the world as we know it. Can love change the future? Completed.

Black Cat is a Teen Fiction story. Becky Bridgestone isn't who she pretends to be. Join Rob Jarvis as he wheedles his way into her heart. Completed.

The Mice Do Play - Young Adult - Book Two in the Black Series.
Becky and Rob are off to University. Can their love survive? Completed.

Bell Ringer - Dark Contemporary - An abused girl is abducted by a stranger. Will her life ever be the same? Completed.

Chains To Freedom - Historical Fiction - Based in (Van Diemen's Land) Tasmania, Australia in 1840. A young girl is transported for a crime she did not commit. Will the handsome Louis come to her rescue? Completed.

Shifted - This book is marked as General Fiction but it's really a Teen Fiction story laced with truth. Charlie, the main character's brother is killed and she loses herself to sorrow. A teenage boy changes her life. Completed.

Liberty - Science Fiction - Short story with four chapters. Silla is thrust into a rebellion but finds more than freedom. Completed.

Desire - Romance - Short story. One chapter. A love story with a twist. Completed.

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