Chapter Five

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"Da! Da! There's going to be a party. Miss Rowles says there is."

Lucan laughed at Covey's excited announcement. "Yes, lad there is."

"Is it her birthday, Da?"

"No." Lucan chuckled again. He frowned for a moment. "Well, it could be her birthday, son, but that's not what the party's about." He rubbed Covey's head. "You remember last week when we all worked on fixing the dam."

Covey nodded.

"Mista Moffat wants to say thank you to everyone so he's putting on a cricket match down at the school paddock."

"Is a cricket match a party, Da? Is that what a party is?"

"Yeah. I guess it is in a way. There'll be food and other games. Music too. Everyone will be there and that's what a party is. It's lots of people having a good time."

Covey jumped up and down and clapped his hands. "I can't wait, Da! I can't wait!"

A Barber's Quartet sang under the shade of the trees. Women were seated nearby so they could listen and dance. Many were serving food and helping with the children.

Men mulled around the bar. It wasn't often John Moffat encouraged drink but this was a special occasion so everyone took advantage of it. Other men were getting ready to take the field. Lucan had never played cricket before but had been selected to play in the outfield.

"No," said Thaiter when he was asked to play. "Lucan's playing and someone has to watch out for the geats."

The game seemed to drag on. Lucan was bored with it and found his attention wandering. Lillian Rowles was sitting with a group of young women. He heard a shout and quickly turned to see the ball coming his way. Lucan focused on it. As it came down, he dived forward catching it in the palm of his hand and slid across the grass. Cheers erupted from the crowd. Lucan got to his feet, a grin on his face.

Jacko slapped him on the back. "Good on ya, Lucan. Now it's our turn to bat."

They sat with Thaiter under the shade of the trees. Riley climbed onto Lucan's lap while Thaiter handed him a drink. "Not a bad catch, lad."

Lucan swallowed a mouthful of the water and grinned. "But you would have done better?"

Thaiter chuckled. "You got dat right."

"Lucan!" He turned at the sound of his name. "You're up to bat."

He nodded, stood up and put Riley on Thaiter's lap.

"In case ya not sure, Luc, ya gotta hit the ball with the bat." Thaiter smirked as Lucan scowled at him.

The first ball went wide so Lucan didn't bother to try to hit it but the second came straight at him so he swung the bat hard, connected with the ball making a loud crack. Lucan watched the ball go, and then heard his partner yell to run. By the time he had made it to the other end the cricket pitch, the ball had landed over the boundary.

"Six," cried John Moffat as he swept his hand through the air.

"Lucan, you have to come back to this end," Hugh Munro called.

Lucan frowned. "Was it out?"

"You hit a six, mate. Means you made six runs without having to run them so you have to go back to where you hit it from," Will Paton said grinning.

"So that's a good thing?"

"Yeah...Irish. That's a good thing." Will laughed and shook his head in dismay.

By the end of the game Lucan had hit two more sixes and three fours plus numerous single runs. He decided he didn't mind cricket after all. On his final swing he struck the ball solid. It went up, and then dropped suddenly. The fielder on the boundary caught him out. The crowd moaned in disappointment but Lucan happily left the field.

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