Chapter Eight

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They lined up along the fence to watch the Ladies Event. Meggy was very excited. She had never been to a show before. Nor had she ever watched a horse race, let alone heard of a Ladies Event, which awarded the winner with a trophy and the title of best rider.

Beatrice bustled around them, making sure, her girls, as she often called them, had a good view. "Miss Fanning is in this race."

Adelaide frowned. "Is she related to the Magistrate, Mista Fanning?"

Bee nodded. "His daughter."

"Well, I ain't bettin' on her. He's a bastard he is. Tried ta get me on a theft charge he did after Rowley said I stole his money. It turned up a week later. His wife found it in the back pocket of 'is trousers."

Beatrice rolled her eyes. "Really, Adie? That's not a reason to hate his daughter."

"I don't hate her." Adelaide grinned. "Just don't want her to win is all."

The lady riders took their place on the starting line. Adelaide thrust her hand forward and pointed. "I'm goin' for that one. The lady with the pink shirt, because that's me favourite colour."

Bee laughed. "Ah, Adelaide the lady in pink is Miss Fanning herself!"

Meg, Sue Lin and Kim Lee laughed along with Beatrice.

Adelaide grinned sheepishly and pointed to another. "All right then the one with the red ribbon. Red's me next choice."

The race began and, it being a novelty event, the crowd cheered with more enthusiasm than normal. Their cheers soon turned to oos and ahs when one of the riders fell from her horse.

Beatrice climbed onto the bottom run of the fence to get a better look. "It's her. Miss Fanning, she's come off and had a nasty fall."

Covering her mouth with her hand, Sue Lin gasped. "That you fault," she said as she slapped Adelaide on the arm.

Adelaide gave her a horrified look. "How do ya work that out I'm standin' ere."

"You give her bad Chi, that why she fall."

Beatrice could see Adelaide's face darken with anger. She jumped down from the fence and stood between them. "Come on girls, it's no one's fault".

Sue Lin argued, "Yes, Bee. Adel..."

Beatrice covered Sue Lin's mouth with her hand. "No, Sue!" She turned to Adelaide. "Don't take any notice. It's just Chinese superstition."

Adelaide folded her arms across her chest and huffed. Beatrice cocked her head and raised her eyebrows at Sue Lin. "What have I told ya about your beliefs, eh? We all keep our beliefs to ourselves, then there's no arguments."

"Sue Lin sorry," she whispered. "But bad Chi no good. Cause problems."

Meggy turned to them. She had climbed onto the fence and was holding onto the top rail. "Tis all right. Aye... she's back on her horse. Going to finish the race she is."

Beatrice smiled and patted both Adelaide and Sue Lin softly on the cheeks. "See girls nothing to squabble about."


When the presentation was done, Miss Fanning was commended for showing great pluck in continuing the race.

Meggy dusted her hands as she climbed down from the fence. "I'm going to go for a walk to have a look at the rest of it. Any of you want ta come?"

The two Chinese girls shook their heads. "We go and look for Chang."

Meg nodded and turned to the others.

"I'm off to find Bill, Meg. I need to see what time he wants us back."

Adelaide smiled and shook her head. "Not me, Meg. I've got things of me own I gotta do."

Meggy headed to where some of the exhibits were housed. There were painting exhibitions, displays of foul and swine in cages, food stalls and jugglers. Meggy stopped in front of a large tent where a big man stood, bared hairy chested, in tight white pants and his arms held up showing his muscles. She smiled, having never seen a man in such an outfit before. Another man, dressed in top hat and tails called out, "Who of you brave men will take on Johann the Giant? The Kaiser's Riser! Come on lads! Is there a man brave enough to take on The Beast of Berlin? Come on gents!  If he's too big for you, we have others willing to give you a round or two."

As he repeated his cry, men moved closer and bustled about her, so Meggy stepped back and continued on her way. She turned a corner and came face to face with Olivia who was on the arm of a rather nice-looking gentleman whom Meggy assumed, from conversations she'd had with Olivia on board the Duke of Devonshire, must be her fiancé.

He was of medium height and build, with a mass of red hair, and a slight sprinkling of freckles. His smile lit up his whole face. Meggy understood why Olivia had wanted to marry him. He lifted his hat in apology as he steered Olivia around her. Meg smiled meekly. She curtsied and looked directly into Olivia's eyes. She could see Olivia wasn't pleased with her man's courteous behaviour.

"I do beg your pardon, madam," Meggy cooed. "I am truly sorry. I didn't see you coming around the corner." Meggy spoke in the most proper English she could imitate and watched Olivia's face turn scarlet and her mouth tightened in a grimace. Inwardly Meggy laughed, she held her hand out to Olivia. "It's Olivia, isn't it? We met on board the Duke of Devonshire. How lovely to see you once again."

Olivia's mouth dropped open, her eyes flashing as they moved from Meggy's face to her held out hand and back again. "I... I don't seem to be able to... place you. Maurice. I need to sit down."

The gentleman glanced at Olivia and frowned as he said, "My wife seems to have lost her manners." He removed Olivia's arm from his, stepped forward and took hold of Meggy's outstretched palm. "Maurice Berry. You say you sailed on the Duke of Devonshire with Olivia?"

Meggy smiled sweetly at him, held onto his hand a little longer than was necessary, glanced at Olivia and took pleasure at how uncomfortable she looked.

"Yes... yes, I did, though there were quite a lot of passengers. I'm not offended Olivia doesn't seem to remember me." She gazed at him from under her eyelashes and tucked her now shoulder length hair behind her ear. "My hair was longer then. I had it cut though it is growing back very nicely." She looked at Olivia, and then beamed at Maurice. "I shan't hold you up. I'm sure you want to get around to all the exhibits."

She fiddled with her hair some more, and then said, "Perhaps we'll run into each other again, Mister Berry." She smiled sweetly, tilted her head a little, and then looked directly at Olivia. She smirked. "It was lovely to see you, Olivia. Please give my regards to Charlotte."

Meggy moved off, and then turned to watch them go. Olivia was feverishly whispering into Maurice's ear. Meggy understood men and knew full well Maurice would look back in her direction. When he did, she bent her head seductively, swept her hair behind her ear and smiled.

Her message had been received and she wondered how much time would pass before seeing Mister Maurice Berry again.

Do you think that's our Johann in the travelling boxing troupe?

Naughty Meggy.

Photo - Pinterest - Kate Tattersall's Adventures

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