Chapter Nine

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Meggy woke to find two small faces peering at her, their blue eyes as intense as their father's. She smiled and with that first gentle smile an instant connection was formed.

"Da...! Da...!" The smaller of the two ran from the room his face lit up with excitement.

"Don't worry about him, he's only three," the taller child said as he watched his brother's excited exit.

Meg rubbed her eyes and yawned. "So, what's your name, laddie?" She curled up and snuggled her head on her hands.

"Ain't you gonna get up?"

"In a minute. Which one are you?" Meggy tittered.

"Covey, and Da says I'll be as big as him some day."

"And just as handsome I'd say." Meggy grinned. She heard a noise at the door and looked up to see Lucan leaning against its frame holding Riley on his hip, smiling at them. She blushed hoping he hadn't heard her exchange with Covey.

Not that it really mattered because as soon as Covey saw his father he exclaimed, "She says I'm handsome like you, Da."

Lucan chuckled as he saw her face colour. He locked his vivid blue eyes on hers and was happy to know his looks appealed to her. "Sorry, Meg. They've been waiting for you to wake up."

She pulled her gaze away from his, sat up on the side of the bed and straightened her blouse. "What time is it?"

"Coming on for eight-thirty. I have to take the lad ta school and go down to the battery. You'll be able to work things out here, won't you?" He cocked his head in question as she looked back at him. "That can be your bed now and there's a cupboard here. Just make some room for your things." Meggy nodded and looked toward the wardrobe as Lucan continued, "Thaiter's at the smelter. He won't be back till late so the place is yours for a while." He waited for her to say something but felt she was a bit overwhelmed.

"Do you want to leave the little un?" She looked at him from under her eyelashes.

Lucan considered this. He studied her body language and thought perhaps she needed some time to herself. "No. Get yourself sorted and we'll talk when I get back." He turned to leave the room.

Meggy stood up and followed. She stifled a yawned when she got into the kitchen.

Lucan studied her once more and realised she had slept in her clothes which were now wrinkled and creased. His mind flicked to Lillian and thought she would have a fit if she saw this. Lucan wondered if she slept with an iron by her bed so she could straighten her night clothes before leaving her bedroom. He chuckled to himself at this thought.

"I suppose I must look a sight," Meggy said thinking he was laughing at her.

He gave her a grin. Her blonde hair hung untidily to her shoulder blades, it had been longer when he had first met her but it was still thick and wavy. Her fringe hung just above her eyes. Her blouse sat crookedly so the skin of one shoulder was exposed. Lucan decided it was too big for her.

Meggy cocked her head and wondered what he was thinking, his face said little but his eyes seemed to have a language of their own. One she didn't understand fully.

"Yeah," he said. "But you'll do for now I guess."

Covey laughed. "You better not let Miss Rowles see ya like that." He nudged his father. "Hey, Da?"

Smiling down at him, Lucan nudged his head and said, "Get ya lunch, boy."

"Miss Rowles?" Meggy queried.

"She's me teacher," Covey answered. "And Da walks out with her. Caroline Henke says she saw em kissing and that me Da'll marry her one day."

Meggy watched Lucan's face change colour, she tried to read his eyes but a veil seemed to draw over them.

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