Chapter Eleven

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Lucan leaned against the tree and laughed.

"It's not funny, Lucan." Lillian's face was flushed with anger. "He's a drunk. Mister Dutton seemed like a very nice well-educated man. He has come all this way to pass on the benefits of insurance to the heathens who live here and that's the treatment he receives." She folded her arms, huffed and glared at him. "Your uncle would be one of the worse examples of small-town mindedness I have ever seen."

A surge of anger swept through Lucan at her words. He frowned and ground his teeth. "Lillian, I think you're being a bit harsh. Me uncle ain't that bad."

"It's my, Lucan. The word is my and isn't. How many times do I have to correct you? Sometimes I think you're worse than the six-year-olds I teach!"

Of late Lillian's constant corrections in his speech were getting on his nerves. Lucan set his jaw, clenched and unclenched his fists. Some days he wondered why he even bothered because she seemed so unhappy with him. She had recently tried to get him to oil his hair when they walked out together and wanted him to wear a suit and go to church. He was sure she was embarrassed to be seen with him.

Lillian looked up into his face, she could see his eye colour had darkened and knew this meant he was angry with her. She had said too much so she reached up to touch his cheek. "I'm sorry. You're so much better than that. I want you to be the best person you can be."

"Who for, Lillian?" Lucan jerked his face away. "You or me?"

She tilted her head at his rejection. Lillian had come to know this man and normally her touch could soothe him no matter what his mood.

"For you of course." She reached out and took hold of his hand, stepped closer so she stood in his shadow, and then put her other hand on his waist. "I'm sorry I corrected your speech. I get frustrated because we've worked so hard together and when you speak slang it makes you sound uneducated and you're not that person anymore, Lucan. You're better than that." She cocked her head in an appeasing manner and let go of his hand to move a wisp of hair from her face.

Lucan looked down at her, he softened.

Seeing his eyes weren't quite ready to forgive, Lillian stepped closer and put her hand on his chest. "It was you who wanted to learn to read, wanted to better yourself." When he shifted his weight on his feet, Lillian sensed he had nearly forgiven her. She whispered, "I'm sorry I said those things about your uncle but you know I don't like drink."

"Me uncle's who he is, Lillian. There's no changing him and there ain't no changing me." He knew he'd used the incorrect grammar but had done it on purpose to let her know he was who he was and she'd have to accept that or move on.

Lillian reached up and touched his face with her hand again. This time he didn't move away. "I'm sorry if it seems like I'm trying to change you but don't you think if I really meant something to you that you'd make an effort to please me occasionally by dressing better when we're out together. After all, I am a well-known and respected person in town. I haven't asked you to stop being who you are inside. It's just the outside I'm trying to tidy up." She tittered and added, "You must admit, Lucan, you do have that wild untidy look. Handsome and devilish. You make every woman's heart leap and they yearn to clean you up." She swept his hair away from his eyes. "I don't want to change you, just tidy you up a little." She reached up and touched his lips lightly with hers. Stayed there to see if he was going to respond and of course he did as she suspected he would, so she slid her hands around his neck.

Lucan wrapped his arms around her waist. There were things about her which made him feel their relationship wasn't right but when she touched him, he crumbled. He knew she played him very well, like now, but it was over, he had moved on and just wanted to touch her so he kissed her, lifted her completely off her feet and put her against the tree. Lucan pulled his lips away and sucked in a breath. He rested his forehead on hers. "Lillian, I want you so much."

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