Chapter Three

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Meggy rolled up her sleeves, she bent and picked up the bundle of washing and pushed it down into the water. She positioned the washboard on the edge of the tub then reached in to retrieve her white calico shirt. She laid it over the board and rubbed the cake of soap over it. Making sure her sleeves were well rolled up she began to rub the blouse, up and down on the washboard. Meggy liked washing. Not many of the others did. Washing cleansed her, or at least she had convinced herself it did. She loved the feel of the water and soap and didn't mind if she splashed herself. Washing gave Meggy the feeling of being grounded. No matter who you are, what sort of woman you were, there was always laundry. It made every woman equal.

"I told you girls I didn't want none of your men here."

The sound of Missus Gray's angry voice made Meggy turn around.

"It's bad enough I have to have filth like you's livin' under me roof. How many times has I told you to keep ya filth outa my 'stablishment?"

"But I haven't, Missus Gray. I swear." Meggy had no idea what the woman was talking about.

The old woman huffed and folded her arms. "Well, what's he want then if it ain't sex," she spat.

"I've nae idea what you're talking about." Meggy shook her head in shear confusion.

Ethel Gray leaned forward and pushed her finger hard into Meggy's chest. "Then, what's he doin' here, askin' for you?"

"Who?" Meggy stepped back and cocked her head in question.

Ethel's tongue flicked out like a snake. "The man what's standin' on me front doorstep that's who!"

When Meggy opened the door Lucan gave her a sheepish grin. He glanced from her face to her damp blouse where it clung to her breasts. His head raced. She was a little taller than Kat had been yet not tall like Lillian. Her body. Lucan sucked in a silent breath. There was much more to her, she was curvaceous and flowing. Her thick blonde hair was tied to the top of her head and loose strands caressed her face with its amber eyes and long lashes. These features took his breath away. Lucan sighed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean ta cause you no grief."

Heat flooded Meggy's face because of the way he had looked at her. She folded her arms across her chest and touched her throat with her fingers. Stepping through the door, she closed it behind her and hissed, "Why are you here?"

Lucan glanced at the window beside the door. He smiled when he saw the curtain drop.

Glancing at the window, Meggy then focused back on Lucan. "She'll be trying to hear what's being said, the old hag."

He looked down at her with a concerned look.

Meggy blustered, "Well it's true. She is an old hag and she wants tae know everything that goes on with us that board here."

"I'm not here to argue that point." Lucan smiled and held his hands up in surrender.

Meggy couldn't help but grin. She saw humour in his eyes and thought why is it men don't let irritations like this bother them? "Well why are ya here, causing me all this trouble?"

Taking her by the hand, Lucan led her away from the door and prying ears. "I've come ta take you away from all this. To help you make that new start."

Her eyes widened, oh if it was as simple as that. Meggy burst into laughter. She held her stomach and couldn't stop. Not because it was funny but if she didn't laugh then she would most likely cry. When she saw the hurt on his face she stopped. "I'm sorry... I... well... I... just don't know what ta say, Lucan. You're no serious?"

He leaned against the fence, folded his arms and looked at her curiously. "Well, I was... but..." He frowned. "You seem to think I'm... well..." He paused and studied her dismayed face. "Maybe I've made a mistake, but I got the impression last night that you weren't real happy with the way your life is."

Meggy felt a lump swell in her throat. She placed her hand to her mouth and the other on her chest. "You are serious?"

Lucan shrugged and nodded, trying to put aside her reaction.

"But how?" she whispered, afraid what she might hear was deception.

"I'll take you with me. Back to Irvinebank. That's where I'm working. You can stay until you find somewhere ta live."

Her heart deflated. Why did men see things so simply? "Lucan, I can't. What would I do for money? How would I feed myself?"

"Like I say, at first you can stay with me and the lads. My uncle is there too. You can cook and look after the place for a bit."

"Then what, Lucan?" Meggy sighed.

He kicked at the firm ground ripping a patch of grass out by the roots. "There are plenty of men who need wives, Meggy. Plenty of men who'd take you on."

She looked at him, cocked her head to one side and studied his serious face. Why was he asking her this, he barely knew her? "And what about you, Lucan? Would you take me on?"

"I'm sorry, Meggy. I'm engaged. Lillian... her names Lillian." To say he was engaged to Lillian jarred him but he didn't want to place any false hope on anyone. "I'm here for a week. I have things I need to do. The train leaves next Monday. I'll no pressure you but the offer is there. Irvinebank's not as green or as pretty as Cairns but it has a certain beauty and the people are good." He scratched his head and released his breath. "If we don't speak again, I'll wait until the last minute before I get on the train. It leaves at seven in the morning. It's your choice, Meggy."


She tossed the idea of going with him over and over in her head. What if no man would have her? She couldn't stay with Lucan forever. What if she was his fiancée and this Lillian was, she? How would she feel having another woman living in the same house as her betrothed? Meggy shook her head. It wouldn't work. What if she ended up on the streets again? Selling herself to put food in her mouth. She knew she'd do it if she had to, but not in the town where Lucan lived. She wouldn't shame him that way. Meggy sighed. What if Lucan never had a fiancé? Would he take her then? No... she didn't think so. She smiled forlornly. A whore for a wife and mother. What man would want that?

Meggy made up her mind. Lucan should travel home alone.

Oh, Meggy, please go with him.

Photo - Alamy stock photo

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