Chapter Four

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She saw him come each night and take a different girl up the stairs. He never asked for her. For some reason this both irritated and pleased her. Meggy wasn't sure why she had mixed feelings about it but when Adelaide came down after being with him, she wanted to explode.

"Oh, me God! He is so... oh so... fit." Adelaide giggled. "And... well built." She fanned herself with her hand, flung her head back and smiled. "I don't know if I'll be able to work for the rest of the week." She giggled again and looked at Meggy. "He mustn't like blondes. He's had us all except you."

Sue Lin joined in with Adelaide's taunting. "Yes, we all dark hair."

"Yeah..." Beatrice nodded a form of agreement and had a puzzled look on her face. "I wonder why that is?" She pinned Meggy with her gaze.

"Him might know Meg don't kiss. Him berry kissy man." Kim Lee laughed.

"I would nae want him anyway after he's been with you lot," Meggy scowled. "Never know what I might catch." She stormed off and went into the back room wondering why she felt so angry.

Beatrice touched her shoulder and spun Meg around. "Who is he, Meggy? You know him, don't you? That's why you didn't want him that first night and why he doesn't come anywhere near you."

Chewing on her finger nail, Meggy burst into tears. "He... he's someone I knew for a time in Scotland, the first man who treated me like a person. He's the reason I immigrated." She wiped her face and took a large breath of air. "He's the reason why I wanted to change me life. I met him twice and only bedded him once but he told me nice things... things that made me think about what I really wanted so I tried tae find a new life." She gulped back tears. "I didn't know he was here. I didn't know that he came to Australia."

Beatrice put her arms around Meggy and cradled her.

Sobbing into Beatrice's shoulder, Meggy continued, "He came tae see me a few days ago at Missus Gray's. He said he'd take me to Irvinebank. That he'd help me get a new life. That I'd find a man who'd have me." Meggy raised her head to see Beatrice smiling.

"Well, what are you crying for? Any woman would have him, Meggy. Go with him."

"He has a fiancé."

"Oh..." Beatrice frowned. "So, he doesn't want you. Just wants to take ya with him?"

"Yeah." Meg nodded and folded her arms. "He says I can cook and clean. He has two lads and when I get on my feet, like meet someone, I can go. He'll probably be married before then. I don't know what ta do."

"Go, Meggy." Beatrice smiled warmly and touched her cheek. "What harm could it do? If it doesn't work out you can always come back. You might meet someone nice. It's the chance you've wanted." She sighed, tilted Meggy's chin upwards and focused on her eyes. "Meggy, you haven't been bringing in much money anyway. Bill was wantin' me to have a word with you. Since that sailor. Well... I can't blame you but Johnny Hanrahan once a week and a couple of others ain't really covering Bill's costs to keep you."

Meggy fiddled with her fingers and gulped a breath of air. "So ya think I should go?"

"Yes, I do."


When they returned to the bar Lucan was laughing and playing Fan Tan. Meggy decided not to tell him of her decision, in case things didn't turn out.

Johnny was there and waved at her from across the room. Meggy thought about what Bee said. It was true. The beating from the sailor had made it difficult for her to approach strangers and for some reason having Lucan here every night made her uncomfortable so she hadn't made an effort. She went over to say hello to Johnny. He was close to being her best friend. When she was with him it wasn't always sex. Sometimes he just wanted to talk and because of this he knew more about her than anyone else. He deserved to know she was going to leave.

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