Chapter Five

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Lucan hung his head and made his way toward the lamp house. The morning was unusually bright and the sun hurt his eyes.

"You're late, Luc. You sleep in?" Jas smiled and handed him his lantern. "I signed it out for ya, said you was havin' a shite."

"Thanks, Jas. I ain't sleepin' so well."

Jas nodded and patted Lucan on the back. They walked to the shaft in silence. As they entered the cage they lit their lamps in readiness for the darkness below.


At the end of the day as Lucan and Jas stepped onto the bank one of the young boys ran towards them.

"Mista Hayes!" he shouted. "Mista Hanson's wanting to see you in 'is office. Says you gotta go there now."

Lucan nodded and watched the lad run off before saying, "Would you return me lamp, Jas, so I can go see what he wants."

"Aye. I'll meet ya at the gate."

A poof of coal dust came alive as Lucan stepped onto the verandah. He had only been into Mister Hanson's office twice before. The first time when he came for the job as a faceman and the second four months earlier, the morning after his brawl with Scarper in the tunnel. Hanson had inquired if Lucan had done as he was told. Lucan answered his question with a steely stare and an abrupt nod. Hanson returned the acknowledgement and sent Lucan back into the pit. The event was never mentioned again.

George Hanson looked up as the door swung open. "Ah... Hayes!" He shuffled a pile of papers on his desk then finding what he was looking for he held out a letter.

Lucan stared blankly at the piece of paper, and then frowned as he cocked his head.

"Well take it now." Hanson waved it up and down. "Tis a letter."" He glanced at the envelope. "From Australia, lad."

Bewildered, Lucan had only ever received one letter before in his life. It had not brought good news, but had revealed the death of his mother. He took the letter with care and nodded. "Thank ya, sir."

Hanson seeing the confusion on Lucan's face said, "Can you not read, Hayes?"

Lucan shook his head. "Nae, sir."

"Aye, I didnae think so." Hanson paused, and then added, "If you need help with it come back the morrow."

Jas was at the gates waiting for him. "Nae trouble I hope, Lucan?" He wiped the corner of his mouth on his sleeve as he stared at Lucan with curiosity.

"A letter, Jas. From Australia Mister Hanson says."

"Naw..! Australia, Luc!" Jas's eyes widened like saucers as he gasped in dismay. "Why would ya be gettin' one of them from Australia?"

"Me mother's brother went to Australia after she died." Lucan sighed. "Grand man is me uncle. Took care of us he did. Younger than me mam. I never 'ad no father, Jas." Lucan scratched his head. "I'm thinkin' he's dead now too, perhaps the letters to tell me."

"What'll you do, Luc?"

Lucan scrunched up the corners of his mouth. "I'll go along to Father O'Donnell and have him read it to me."


Three days later Lucan walked to the rectory and asked the curate if he could speak to the priest.

Father O'Donnell held his hand out. "Tis good tae see you, Lucan. Sit, please. Can I give you something to drink?"

"No thank ya, Father."

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