Chapter Thirteen

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Lucan tried to sleep through the day. He had to start work at ten but it was difficult because he wasn't tired. He knew if he didn't sleep, he would pay for it later. It was hot so he closed the door, stripped off his clothes then laid on his back and thought of Meggy. He wouldn't let her leave and the sooner he sorted things out with Lillian the better. He'd have to do it in a way Lillian didn't think Meggy was the cause. Lucan chuckled to himself. Here he was a year ago with no thoughts of ever being in love again or marrying. Now he had urges going from one woman to another. He wondered if Thaiter had the right idea. Women did seem to cause a lot of grief.

He dozed and was woken by the sound of the boys laughing and giggling. That meant it was after three o'clock. Lucan got up and pulled his trousers on. It was too hot for a shirt. He figured Meggy, unlike Lillian, wouldn't mind if he left his shirt off for a bit. When he went into the kitchen, she wasn't there so he went to the tank to run some water over his head. He heard the boys laughing in the stable and went to investigate.

Meggy was trying to milk the cow but the cow wouldn't co-operate. Lucan leaned silently against the door frame, watching as Covey and Riley laughed hysterically while she tried to save the bucket from being kicked over a second time. The bit of milk she had managed to collect splashed from the bucket and streaked her face and shirt.

Lucan hooted. She turned to face him. White liquid dripping from her eye lashes and nose. He let out a holler and went into hysterics with the boys.

Seeing his humour, Meggy feigned anger and stormed towards him. She grabbed him by the waist with both hands and rubbed her milk covered face over his bare chest.

Still laughing, Lucan was stunned by what she did. He tried to step backwards to escape the wet sticky substance on his skin but Meggy dug her finger nails into his sides to prevent his movement.

"Ah, no ya don't," he said as he grabbed hold of her wrists and bent down so his face was level with hers. Seeing she wasn't really angry he continued to laugh. "You've gone and wet me, lass."

"That'll teach you for laughing." She tried to pull her hands free.

"Ah... Meggy don't be like that." Lucan chuckled and held onto her tighter.

Covey and Riley were still squealing. "What ya gonna do, Da?"

"I'm gonna wipe meself dry with her, that's what I'm gonna do."

"Don't you dare, Lucan," Meggy gasped and squirmed to try and break free.

Lucan let her go for a second, and then grabbed her by the waist. He lifted her up as if she was a child and pulled her towards him so her chest was against his then he moved her up and down, so the fabric of her shirt absorbed the sticky milk.

The boys thought this was hilarious. Meggy tried to push away.

Lucan chuckled some more. "You want ta play games with the big boys then you have to take the consequences."

Tugging at his hair, Meggy laughed and said, "If you don't play fair then the quines will make up their own rules. So, if you dinnae want ta lose your hair and ya eyesight you'll put me down." She put her fingernails on his face to show him the danger he was in.

Lucan let go of her suddenly as if to drop her but grabbed her again just as quickly. The sudden jolt made Meggy squeal and fling her arms around his neck. Lucan laughed some more. He had his arms under her backside holding her on his waist. She put her hands on his bare chest and pushed against him. Lucan's body was showered with sensation.

"Will you let me down, Lucan?"

He didn't want to let her go. He wanted to keep holding onto her, to keep laughing with her. Lucan carried her towards the cow. "I think you need a lesson on how to milk a cow." He set her on her feet, turned the crate they used to sit on over and sat down. "Covey get me the bucket, lad."

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