Chapter Thirteen - Part One

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Lucan bought himself an iron and was sitting looking at the heavy metal instrument when Thaiter came through the back door.

"So, she finally got at ya." Thaiter sneered and shook his head.

"What do you mean?"

"Well first it's the readin' and writin', then the way ya speak. Now it's ya clothes and the way ya dress. She's not good for you, Lucan. Mark my words she'll have ya scrubbin' floors, bakin' scones and back in church with ya hair slicked down like a town dandy before too long."

Lucan scowled. "We got it sorted that's all. She just wants me clothes ironed when we walk out together. Not such a big thing ta ask."

"Ya full of shite, Lucan, and ya know it. You've changed since being with her. Look at the times she's corrected ya speech and in front of people. Doesn't that make ya feel... ah shit... it's you're fuckin' life!" Thaiter banged the chair out of the way and stormed into the bedroom.

Lucan threw the iron onto the table. A lot of what Thaiter was saying was true. Lillian had a way of explaining things that made what she wanted from him sound reasonable. Ever since Lanigan's funeral she had been easier to get along with. Lucan felt better about being engaged to her. She hadn't wanted to announce it so Lucan had kept it to himself. After Thaiter's outburst he decided to keep it that way. Lucan thought some more. He'd organized a picnic with Lillian and the boys yesterday and had taken them to Gibbs Creek. She hadn't been comfortable with the lads but he thought it'd get better with time. A battle raged inside of him. He didn't want to have to choose between Thaiter and Lillian. Each of them had their set ideas of each other and weren't prepared to give a little out of respect for him.


Covey came home the following day with welts across his palm. He tried to hide them.

Lucan noticed the odd way he held his fork. "What's goin' on with ya hand, lad?"

"Nothing." Covey shrugged and slipped it under the table.

Grabbing Covey's arm, Lucan turned the hand over to see Covey had trouble curling his fingers. "What did ya do ta deserve this?"

Covey refused to look at his father but a tear rolled down the boy's face.

"What's going on, Covey?" Lucan asked again.

"Miss Rowles ain't been so nice ta me since we had that picnic with her."

"Have you been playing up, Cov?" Lucan gave his son a stern look.

"No... I don't think so. She got real mad when I told the class about the picnic in me weekly news and since then she ain't been so nice."

Thaiter growled.

Lucan chose to ignore him and kept his eyes on Covey. "So, she caned ya hand because of that?"

"No... that was because I didn't wash me hands after play time."

Thaiter studied his nephew and Lucan's jaw tense as he pushed his chair from the table and stood up. "Ya had enough, Luc?" Thaiter asked indicating Lucan's untouched food.

"Not so hungry tonight. Think I might need a walk. Put the lads to bed will ya."

Thaiter gave Lucan a knowing look and nodded.


Lucan's knock, on Missus Blake's door, boomed through the house. She opened it in panic. "Oh, it's just you, Mister Hayes. You had me worried for a moment. You'll be wanting to see Miss Rowles?"

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