Chapter Eight

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The sky was in shadowed light when Meggy woke, the sun not yet broken on the horizon. She realised she had turned over in the night and Lucan now lay behind her. She was tucked neatly against his body. Her head was on his arm and she felt his regular breath in her hair. Lucan's other arm was draped over her, his hand resting lightly against her stomach and one of his legs tangled with hers. She knew he was asleep by the sound of his breathing so she lay as still as she could not wanting to disturb him. Meggy watched as a kangaroo nibbled on grass, lifted its head to inspect its surroundings, and then nibble the grass once more. Her sore arm throbbed. It lay in front of her so she stretched it to try to relieve the pain. Lucan moved against her; his breathing changed. She wondered if he had woken up. She lay still in case he hadn't. He shifted again. His grip tightened and pulled her to him. She felt him rigid against her. Meggy stilled her breathing and wondered if he was awake.

Letting out a deep breath when he woke, Lucan realised where he lay. She was so still he thought she was asleep. He pulled her closer, wanting to be hard up against her. His hand pressed against her stomach; his hips pushed close to her backside. He wanted to run his hand over her soft curves. Lucan steadied his breathing and thought of the dream he had been having. Kat and Lillian melding together to become Meggy. He wondered if it meant anything. Lucan let go of her and lay on his back. He put his forearm over his eyes thinking it was stupid to punish himself by being so close to her.

Rolling over, Meggy half sat and supported her weight on her hand to look down at him.

When Lucan raised his arm so he could look at her, he realised she had been awake and had felt him pull her against him. He was annoyed with himself and gave her a pained expression. "Morning."

Meggy grimaced, and then smiled. She sensed his mood so she tried to make light of it. "You got gas because you look a wee bit stressed."

He sighed and sat up, rested his elbows on his knees and looked straight into her eyes. "Yeah. I got gas," he said then stood up and went into the bushes to pee.

Lucan didn't talk while they ate breakfast so Meggy thought it best to leave him to himself. When they were ready to leave, he climbed on the horse, leaned down to pick her up but she waved him away.

"I'll walk for a bit."

Lucan's impatience ran through the horse. It shuffled under him. "I want to make good time today so we can be home tonight. Get on the horse, Meg." He held his hand out to her. When she agreed Lucan jerked her into the saddle.

She felt him try to distance his body from hers as she settled. Meggy knew what his problem was. She thought if he tried it on her she would slap him hard.

By lunch time the tension between them had built. Meggy wanted the happy easy-going Lucan, who had joked about beans. If he kept this up, she'd turn around and go straight back to Cairns. She wondered about his fiancé and if she slept with him. Doubt crept into Meggy's mind as she thought about him with almost every one of the Crown girls. She realised the fiancé mustn't be obliging.

Lucan had stopped the horse and climbed down while she was thinking. She hadn't noticed him holding his hand out to help her down.

"Meggy!" He pulled her roughly off the horse and placed her heavily on her feet.

Her arm jarred because of his roughness. Meggy seethed, this was ridiculous. "So, you're gonna stay in this mood all day are ya?"

"I'm not in a mood."

"Ya not, eh? Then what is it? Gas, I suppose."

He almost smiled. "I didn't sleep well and I want to get home to me bed."

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