Chapter Twelve

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They were sitting at the table eating dinner when there was a knock on the front door. Lucan put down his fork and went to answer it.

"Hello," his voice carried down the hall. The person didn't answer his greeting but just went straight into speech.

"You didn't tell me you brought someone back with you! A woman! Covey says she's, his aunt."

Meggy looked at Thaiter in question. He whispered, "It's Lillian."

Lucan didn't reply. Lillian's voice was heard again, "Why didn't you tell me?"

They heard Lucan sigh and his deep voice say quietly, "It didn't seem right this morning and the lad shouldn't have said anything. I was going to tell you when I saw you on Friday."

"Is she really his aunt or just someone you've picked up with?"

"Can you keep your voice down? She'll hear you," Lucan rumbled.

"Oh! So, it doesn't matter what I think, just what she thinks."

"It's not like that. You're over reacting."

They could hear the strain in Lucan's voice. Covey had a worried look on his face. Meggy reached out and touched his hand. "It'll be alright. Don't you worry none."

Covey did worry because now he understood what his father had meant when he had told him to keep his business to himself. They all shuffled uncomfortably on their seats. Meggy got up to clear the dishes.

"I want to see her."

"Not tonight, Lillian. Not when you're like this."

"Get out of my way, Lucan."

Thaiter got up and left the table, he headed out the back door with Covey behind him. Meggy standing with dishes in her hand watched them go, and then turned to face the oncoming footsteps. Riley was the only one still sitting in his chair.

Lillian stopped just inside the kitchen, her body rigid and her face tense.

"Lillian this is Meggy." Lucan stepped around her and added, "Meg this is Lillian."

Meggy put the dishes back on the table and wiped her hands on the tea towel that was laid over her shoulder. She stepped toward Lillian and smiled holding out her hand. "Hello."

Lillian looked her up and down. Meg's hair had fallen loose, she had put her earlier shirt on after they had come back from Margaret's so it had a stain on it from the meat of the pie and the shoulder had slipped once again. "Are you, his sister-in-law?" Lillian glanced at Meggy's hand, her face stern.

Meggy nodded and let her hand drop. A small crease appeared in the centre of her forehead. "Aye... Kat was me sister."

Lucan leaned against the wall and rubbed his mouth with his hand at the sound of Meggy's bad grammar. He couldn't help but smile a little.

"And why are you here?" Lillian thrust her face forward.

Meggy frowned some more and cocked her head thinking what a rude woman this was. However, she had to wonder if their places were exchanged how she herself would feel. "I arrived in Cairns a few months back and happened to run into Lucan. I have nae other family here and he was kind enough to offer me a home until I get settled. He told me he needed help with the lads." She paused. "He has spoken of you often." Meggy glanced towards him. "Aye tis true, Lucan, she is very beautiful. Much taller than me sister Kat."

Lucan frowned and watched as Lillian's face relaxed.

Meggy continued, "Lucan says you're a school teacher. My that's grand, I cannae read or write. He says you teach Covey."

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