Chapter Twenty-Three

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Two days of laying in bed was enough for Lucan. On the third day he made his way to the kitchen. He leaned quietly against the doorpost. Meggy was kneeling in front of Riley about to wipe oats from his face.

"You're a messy wee lad aren't ya, Riley." Her hand movements were quick and as she brought the wet cloth towards his face, Riley bucked away, pulled his head back and tried to grasp the cloth with his small hands. Meggy laughed, took hold of the back of his head and rubbed the cloth on his face. "Come here. You'll no leave this room until ya cleaned up."

Covey who was sat at the end of the table with his back to his father laughed. "He's like a wild mule ain't he, Meggy, kickin' and buckin'." Covey thrashed around on the chair, making it buck and rear.

"Enough of that, Covey. I'll whip you good if you wake your father with all this ruckus."

Ignoring her, Covey continued to move wildly on the chair, rocking backwards and forwards so its legs banged louder on the floor.

Meggy stood and was about to turn and chastise him when Lucan spoke, "Covey!"

At the sound of his father's voice Covey instantly stopped. Lucan took a step into the room.

Covey slid from the chair and backed away. It wasn't often his father ever punished him or spoke angrily.

"I don't like ya ignoring, Meggy."

Covey stared wide-eyed. "Sorry, Da."

"Don't be sayin' sorry to me, son." Lucan nudged his head towards Meggy.

Turning towards her, Covey smiled and said, "I'm sorry, Meggy, I was just ..." He twisted his mouth in explanation.

She rubbed the top of his head and said, "It's all right. How about you take Riley outside tae play while I clean up this mess."

Covey looked back at his father to see if he was pleased. Lucan smiled at him and said, "Go on, go play wild horses outside."

Meggy started to clear the table and when the boys were out of earshot, she turned on Lucan. "Why did you do that?"

"Do what?" Lucan frowned.

She didn't answer immediately but tossed dishes into the water filled basin. Lucan waited. He sat down at the table and said again, "Do what, Meggy?"

She ran her cloth rapidly over the table. "I didn't need you tae rouse on, Covey. He was just playin'."

Lucan raised his eyebrows and scoffed, "Ignoring you more like."

"And you think I could nae deal with that." Meggy stopped wiping the table and leaned across it and stared at him as she spoke.

He frowned some more. "Meggy, I think ya... I just saw... well shite, I don't know... what would you have me do?"

"Just leave me tae do it." Meggy straightened up and folded her arms. "If you keep butting in, they'll never listen tae me."

Lucan held his hands up in surrender and leaned against the chair back.

She stormed across the room and lifted the bowl she used to bathe his wound. "While you're up I may as well tend tae you, so get your shirt off."

Lucan smiled at her back as she filled the bowl with water from the kettle. He lifted his shirt over his head and placed it on the table.

When Meggy was ready she put the bowl beside it. "Sit on the table, Lucan. It'll be easier for me to reach."

He did as he was told. She was still angry so he didn't question her.

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