28) The Last Battle

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Francesca laid on the floor catching her breath

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Francesca laid on the floor catching her breath. Nebula walked over grabbing the gauntlet from her.

"Yeah definitely not it" she muttered. She and Clint had just out ran those demons barely escaping alive.

As Nebula takes the gauntlet she lifts her finger to ear, "father, I have the stones". Immediately the two look up from the floor and Francesca mentally curses herself out.

"What?" Clint asked confused. Nebula pulls out a gun, pinning Clint on the ground.

"Stop" a voice yells. A young green colored woman appears from one of the tunnels holding her own gun at Nebula. Nebula steps over Clint still holding him at gun point while looking at the woman.

"You're betraying us?" Nebula asked. Suddenly another Nebula comes out from the shadows. The three distracted with each other allows Clint and Francesca to hide off in the shadows. Clint making sure Francesca was okay. The three bickered back in forth until Nebula shot her past-self saving her sister. Clint grabbed the gauntlet holding it tightly to his chest. The four of them rushed out to be met with the biggest battle of their lives going on.

Clint ran off in one direction while Francesca dove right into killing the enemies. She was determined to win this, once and for all.

As she made her way down to the middle of the battlefield, her back hit someone else. She immediately turned around expecting it to be an enemy.

"Buck" Francesca muttered trying to hold back tears. The two quickly hugged for what felt like an eternity but in reality was a second. They pulled apart as the enemies approached them.

Swarms of aliens and demons continued flood the battlefield.

"Somebody help" Peter called out. Steve threw Thor's hammer sending him soaring into the air. Francesca watched as the gauntlet was then passed to Captain Marvel who soared through the sky almost successfully bringing to the van before it imploded.

Francesca ran towards the center of the battlefield to find the gauntlet by itself. Laying peacefully on the dirt.

*cue As The World Caves In by Sarah Cothran*

Francesca ran, jumping at it and grabbing the infinity gauntlet. She lifted her body off of it, as if it was a football tucked tightly to her chest, about to slip it onto her hand. Tony, however, came rushing over next to her.

"Let me" Tony said trying to remove the metal glove from her grip. Francesca looked at him with wide eyes. She couldn't believe he was actually doing this again, right now. In the middle of the biggest battle of their lives and Tony is fighting with his sister over snapping the damn fingers. Then again this was typical Tony, wanting the end to because of him. He wanted the recognition, like always.

"Are you crazy. We are wasting time, just let me-" Francesca tried to reason as she focused on trying to slip the gauntlet on. Tony, however, was making it harder than she imagined. He gripped it tightly wiggling it back and forth. She struggled to move the fingers closer together, give her just enough time to slip it on.

"You say I've never protected you. Let me - this one time. Let me show you I can" Tony pleaded. Francesca looked at him, she could see the sadness behind his eyes. She always said it but did she really mean it? Was it more to deflect her abandonment issues from her parents onto her brother? Francesca always felt the need to place blame somewhere and Tony just ended up being the target.

Before she could argue back Thanos grabbed the gauntlet from Francesca. He ripped her off it, throwing her across the ground harshly. Her body skidded across the hard dirt, Bucky rushed over helping her up.

"I am inevitable" Thanos proudly stated as he snapped his fingers. Francesca braced against Bucky expecting to crumble into the air as nothing more than dust.

She peeked an eye open too afraid to look as she had felt like they lost, until Tony revealed he had sneakily took the stones off, which configured into his own iron hand. He lifted his hand high in the air.

"And I -am -ironman" he yelled out before snapping his fingers. Francesca watched as the enemies all fell to the ground, drifting into the wind, seizing to exist.

Francesca turned around, looking for Tony so she could congratulate him as he had saved the universe. He had saved the love of her life, the father of her child and most importantly he had saved her, just like he had been doing his whole life.

"Tony" Francesca muttered as she rushed over. He had propped himself up against a rock. "Thank you.. for everything" she muttered into his ear giving him a hug. She pulled away to see a small smile creep onto his face.

Francesca took a step back letting Peter and Pepper get a moment with him as well. She could tell his final moments were coming to an end. She stood there holding back her tears as an arm wrapped around her shoulder.

"God have I missed you" Francesca whispered placing her head in the crook of his neck.

After watching Tony's heartfelt message Pepper, Francesca, Happy, Adelina and Morgan all walked out to find everyone who Tony was fond of (whether it was secretively or not) there.

She walked behind Pepper and Morgan who placed Tony's "heart" to rest. Adelina clung tightly to her leg, probably unsure of what was even taking place.

Francesca wiped the tears from her face. Unlike her parents, really genuine tears were shed. She had truly lost someone who cared for her.

After a long moment of silence, everyone began to mingle and softly talk. Francesca walked over to Bucky with Adelina on her hip.

The three immediately hugged, Bucky and Francesca embracing each other.

"Adelina, this is dad" Francesca whispered to the young girl. She immediately gave him a double take, her confusion and scared thoughts slowly warming to the man in front of her.  She placed her on the ground, Adelina immediately hugged his leg. Bucky cracked a smile at Francesca. The three were finally whole..... finally could be a family.....

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