Don't send me away

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I feel silent tears streaming down my face while I lean over the plate with food under me. I don't know how long I've been sitting here like that, but after a while I'm giving up. I just can't eat it. I know Eren left it here for me bevore he went to work, but I just can't eat it. He can have it when he comes back, I don't need it. I put the plate back into the fride, go into my room and throw myself on my bed. Who the fuck needs eating? I don't. Eating just makes me fat and I don't want to be fat. I start crying again and wrap the blanket tight around me. Just like that. Cry the fat away. After a while I fall into a dreamless sleep. ,,Levi! Levi, wake up!" Slowly I open my eyes and look into my boyfriend's beatifull ocian eyes. How long was I asleep? ,,Hi, Eren.", I say and sit up. ,,Hey, Levi. How do you feel?", he replies and sits next to me. ,,Like shit." ,,Did you eat something?" I shake my head and Eren sights. ,,You know what I'll have to do when you don't start to eat something.", he says and looks at the ground. I bite my teeth together and lean against his strong body. ,,Don't send me away. I want to stay with you." I hate myself for sounding so desperate, but it's true. ,,Don't you understand? You need help! This isn't normal what you're doing! I just- I won't sit here and watch you starving yourself!" I see tears filling my boyfriends eyes and running down his cheeks. ,,I don't need help. I can get along with this by myself." ,,No, you fucking can't! Accept that you're mentally ill and need help!" I just staire at Eren without any expression. Maby I am mentally ill, but who cares? I always handled my problems by myself so I can handle this too. ,,I'm trying, okay? I'll do everything but please just don't put me into a mental hospital!" ,,I know. I don't want to put you there eather, but you just don't give me another chance. I know you're trying your best
and I know it's hard for you. But I just can't help you anymore. I love you more then everything and I just want you to be healthy again." I nood. ,,You know: I really tryed to eat the ckicken you left me, but I just couldn't." ,,I made some food. Will you come sit with me?" He just said sitting not eating so it'll be fine, I guess. Eren pulls me on my feet and we go into the kitchen. I stop when I see two plates on the table. ,,Just try, okay?", my boyfriend says and pulls me closer to the table. I sit down on a chair and staire at the plate infront of me. ,,I can't.", I say and lay my face in my hands. ,,Please." I bring all my strenge up and take a bite of the chicken. The fat fills my mouth and makes me want to throw out, but I force myself to swallow it. ,,Please don't make me eat more.", I say and look at the table. Eren takes my hand over the table and smiles slightly. ,,I'm proud of you.", he says and places a  kiss on it. If he just knew that I have the terrible feeling to go to the bathroom...

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