Good morning

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I get waked up by something scratching against my face and I groan tired and annoyed at the same time. Slowly I open my eyes and see my boyfriend cuddled tightly against me with one strain of his long, brown hair in his mouth and kinda drooling. But what is scratching so much? There I see the problem and role my eyes. Did he seriously grow this little beard over night? Seems like it, 'cause I don't remember it being there yesterday. Carefully I shake on Eren's shoulder and he looks at me tired. ,,Morning, Levi.", he says and cuddles tighter, but I push him away, making him look at me confused. ,,Go shave and then you can come back.", I say and the brunette looks at me sadly. ,,But I'm tired.", he replies quitely and tryes to get closer again, but I keep him away. ,,I don't care, your beard is scratching me." ,,Ugh, fine." Slowly Eren sits up and I watch him walking away just in his underwear. I lay alone in our bed for a while until I start to be currious, what the hell Eren's doing in there so long. With a sight I get out of the bed and quickly go to the clossed bathroom. ,,Eren, what are you doing in there?" No answer. ,,Are you jerking off or what?" Still no answer. I groan annoyed, before I open the bathroom door, where I find Eren standing infront of the mirror with shaving cream all over his face and a razor in his hand, but his eyes are closed, like he's sleeping. ,,Hey, Eren!", I say and take the razor out of his hand. He jerkes up and looks at me confused. ,,Did you seriously just fall asleep again?", I ask and look up to him. Eren doesn't answer and just keeps looking at me confused. I sight. ,,Let me do this, before you cut yourself.", I say and pull him down to me, so I can start to shave him. After I'm done, I clean up his face and see him smiling at me tired. ,,Can we go back to bed now?", Eren asks and I sight, before I nood and lead him back into the bedroom. He littelary falls back ontoo the bed and pulls the blanked over himself. Cute little shit. I lay next to him and slip under the blanked too. It's still quite early, so it's fine, if I still sleep a little. ,,Levi?" ,,Hm?" ,,Are you happy with the current me?" What kind of question is that? How the hell I am supposed to answer to that? Okay, things have changed in the past few years, but I'm still happy, ain't I? I look at the photo on the wall of us I took five years ago. Uff. ,,I mean, you were really cute back then, but...", I start, but Eren forces me to look at him again. ,,You're always living  in the past. But I'm here.", he says and I bite my teeth together. ,,I'm too." ,,No you're not. You're always looking through old photos and look at me in a way I don't like." ,,Is there a problem with it?" ,,Not really, I just...I just feel like, you don't love me like you did before." Huh? What the hell?! ,,I still love you like before, don't worry about that. Everything just changed a little in the past few years, that's all." Eren sights and pulls me closer to him. ,,Promise you'll never leave me.", he says and I nood. ,,Always."

After all the smut I decided to just write some fluff, so here you go!

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