Chapter 26

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Cameron's p.o.v

I woke up due to the sun shining through the window and on to face, the curtains weren't closed.

Why are they open?

I groaned trying to move my arms to cover my face.

Trying being the keyword my arms where wrapped around someone.

Oh shit...please don't tell me I...

I hesitantly opened my eyes.

Please be one of the boys...

As I looked down I seen the most beautiful girl in the world.

"Oh thank you Jesus" I whispered. The last thing I needed was another girl in my room.

I looked back down at my baby, Kadie was asleep her head Laying on my chest.

It feels so good to have her sleeping beside me again.

I took my time to take in her appearance her lips pouted and open slightly, while her breathing is soft.
Her long hair lay fanned out on the pillow behind her.

I could stay like this forever It was so peaceful.

Why did I have to ruin everything?

Cause I'm an idiot.

Slowly Kadie started to move around and a bit, I lay completely still hoping she would go back asleep so I could hold her for just a little while longer.

After a few minutes of stirring she had gone back asleep.

Thank God.

I slowly turned my body to lay on my side so I could face her.

She looks so peaceful.Slowly I moved my hand up to stroke her cheek.

How could I hurt her like I did?

You don't know what you have until it's gone, I can understand why people say that now.

I wish it could go back to the way it was before....

Thanks for reading😘❤️😍

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