Chapter 12

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Kadie's p.o.v


Groaning, I lifted my arm up to cover my eyes from the sunlight, I don't wanna get up.

I've been home for 2 days now and I already want to go back to the boys but I can't. I don't want to be the needy little sister that always has to be taken care of.

But most of all I don't want the boys to get annoyed with me or to hate me because they think they have to take care of me.


"COMING MOM" I yelled back before pulling my bedsheets back. I slid my feet into my slippers and walked down stairs into the kitchen.

"Morning baby"

"Good morning mom" I said kissing her cheek.

I sat at the table just as my mom put a plate in front of me.

"Thanks" I smiled before digging into my food.

My mom sat next to me eating her breakfast. We sat in silence before my mom spoke.

"Kadie baby when are you gonna go home?" I slowly put my fork down before looking at my mother.

"This is my home mom"

She let out a laugh. "I know that and this will always be your home but when are you gonna go home"

"I can't go back yet mom" I replied giving my face a harsh rub "besides they are better off without me, they don't need me around"

Mom shook her head "Listen to me Kadie, them boys love you, they have since they first met you,they need you as much as you need them"

"Mom I don't want them to feel like they have to babysit me all the time" I spoke shaking my head.

I don't want them to hate me because of it.

"Kadie them boys don't have to look after you they choose to. Baby I love having you here but you belong with them. Ever since you got home you haven't been happy I know you miss them as much as they miss you"

"But mom-" "No buts Kadie, that's the truth I know you don't want to face Nash especially after what happens but you can't run away from the problem Kadie. Trust me your brothers and I will be having a serious conversation the next time I see them but no matter what you're family and family stick together always"

I nodded listening to every word.

"Go home Kadie and sort this mess out that's what you need to do"

I jumped up pulling my mom into a tight hug. "Thank you, you always know what to say"

"That's what moms do Kadie" I giggled pulling away "I have to go pack" she nodded her head.

"Go do what you have to do baby"

I ran back up the stairs going straight to my room quickly getting dressed and packing all my clothes. I just need to book my plane ticket and I can go.

When I was finished I went downstairs pulling my suitcase with me. My mom was sitting at the table drinking a cup of tea.

She looked up when I entered the kitchen and smiled handing me some papers. What are these?

"It's your plane tickets"

"Thank you" she nodded putting her jacket on "let's get you to the airport" I nodded putting my suitcase into the car. I sat in the passenger seat putting my belt on.

It only took 15 minutes to get to the airport.

When we got there my mom got out of the car helping me with my suitcase. I let out a breath looking at her "I'm gonna miss you" I whispered feeling my eyes fill with tears. She nodded her own eyes watering "I'm gonna miss you too baby"

After we said our goodbyes I walked into the airport stopping at the door. I turned to look at mom watching as he wiped away her tears and I smiled a tearful smile and waving.

She let out a little laugh and waved back blowing a kiss.

I turned back continuing on into the airport before boarding my plane.

Home here I come.

Thanks for reading 😘❤️😍

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