Chapter 30

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Cameron's p.o.v

Today was perfect, the best day of my life probably. Just being around Kadie makes me happy, she has this aura that immediately puts people in a good mood.

I look up at the night sky and stare at the stars thinking of how lucky I am to have the opportunity to be close to Kadie again.

I slowly sat up lifting Kadie up with me. I was debating whether or not to wake her but I finally decided to let her sleep.

I carried her from the beach to the car making sure to put the blanket over here when she was strapped in.

I left the radio off not wanting to disturb her.

When we arrived home I text Matt to open the door so I could carry Kadie straight to bed.

I ignored the guys when I walked through the living room not wanting to answer any of their questions.

When I got up the stairs I looked from Kadie's room to mine wondering where to take her.

Would she kill me if I put her in my bed?

I went to walk closer to my room when I heard footsteps behind me. Turning I came face to face with Nash.

He looked from me to Kadie.

"You better not hurt her again" he said quietly looking me straight in the eyes.

I nodded looking down at Kadie before bringing my eyes up to meet his again.

"I won't, I was stupid and I made a huge mistake, I realise how stupid I had been before" I replied.

He looked at me for a minute before nodding his head "okay..." he turned to walk away back to his bedroom but before he could I called his name. He turned to me waiting to see what I wanted.

"I....will we ever be the same as before?" I asked really hoping he would say yes I mean he was my best friend.

He looked to the ground for a second before saying "I hope so... you really hurt my sister baby sister, I'm the one who is supposed to protect her..and I let her get hurt by my best friend"

I looked down as he was speaking listening to his words closely.

"She forgave you...and I don't want it to be awkward when you guys are together which is why I'm willing to put all this behind us" he said.

I was happy that this would finally be over.

"Thanks Nash" he nodded his head to Kadie "you might want to put her to bed"

Oh yeah...

"Yeah I will, night Nash"


I walked to my room with a smile on my face. I got changed after I tucked Kadie in to bed.

I went to my bathroom to brush my teeth. When I finished I slipped into bed beside Kadie pulling her close to me.

Thanks for reading😘❤️😍

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