Chapter 6

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Kadie's p.o.v

After finally releasing Hayes from my death grip, I just looked at him.I haven't seen my baby brother in a full 2 months, although we skyped it wasn't the same as having him here.

"Seriously someone pinch me...this is aweso-" I was cut off by someone actually pinching me "AHHH WHAT THE HELL TAYLOR?" I yelled grabbing my arm.

"What? you said 'seriously someone pinch me' I did" he said looking at me with a small frown.

"Seriously dude, it was a figure of speech...damn boy!" I told him still rubbing my arm.

Everyone was laughing their asses off at this..god sometimes I think I'm living with, not even, kids aren't this bad.

"I just did what you asked" he mumbled putting his head down.

"Awww Tay Tay come here" I said opening my arms for him. I couldn't be mad at him.

He looked up at me and smiled walking into my arms hugging me tightly....very tightly....

" alive."I spoke my hands gripping his shoulders.

"Whoops..who knew you needed oxygen to live?"he said shyly. Taylor lifted his hand rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

I shook my head and laughed. This boy.

"Anywho Hayes how long you staying for?" I asked.

"The whole summer" he smiled.

"Wait back up the fire truck.. how did you get mom to let you come down here?" I asked my eyebrows pulling together. I'm surprised mom let Hayes come down here, she doesn't even want me and Nash here, she wants is to come home.

"Her favourite son convinced her" Nash said grinning and fluttering his eyelashes. My brother, ladies and gentleman.

"Yeah, I was very convincing" Hayes said smugly.

Nash stuck his tongue out at Hayes going to reply but Carter beat him to it.

"Well you know what that means right?"
Movie night.

"PARTYYYYYY"all the boys yelled together.


"Damn,I thought you were gonna say we all eat ice cream while watching chick flicks" I stated sadly.

" Kades" Shawn said giving me a small smile.

"But....but..Matttt help me." I said giving him my best puppy dog face.

He shook his head "Sorry baby"


"Fine, but NO ALCOHOL while my little brother is present" I didn't want Hayes around a load of drunk people.

"YES SIR" they all shouted saluting me.

"Yo I'm a gurl" I said giving them all a weird look.

"YES MA'AM" they all shouted.

"Better, now...move out troops GO,GO,GO meet back here at zero one hundred hours."

I yelled running up the stairs to get everything planned.

Cameron's p.o.v

A party... good...maybe I can talk to Kadie and try to fix things.

Thanks for reading 😘❤️😍

Nash Griers sister (Cameron Dallas fan fic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum