Chapter 5

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Cameron's p.o.v

After Sophia left all of the boys went up to kadie's room to make sure she was ok. I feel horrible.

I was totally shocked when Kadie agreed to be my girlfriend. I mean she could do so much better than me but she agreed to be my girlfriend, and I just threw it all away and for what?Sophia is nothing compared to my baby. Kadie is perfection-simple as. I sighed and got into my bed I just wanted today to be finished.

I will get Kadie back. I'll make her love me again. When I get her back I'm gonna spend the rest of my life making it up to her, even though I don't deserve it at all. These were my last thoughts before I fell into a deep sleep.

Kadie's p.o.v


I woke up at 6am.

Who wakes up at this time when they don't have to?

I just lay in bed thinking about everything that happened yesterday. I really was hoping it was just a dream,but wasn't. I tried to get back to sleep but I failed to do so.

"Ugh" I groaned.

I decided to get up and go for a run to clear my head. I got dressed in my gym gear and grabbed my IPhone and earphones and tip-toed down the stairs.

I left a note letting the boys know where I was going, I left it on the fridge because I knew the boys would go there first.

I ran along the beach, I don't know why but the water always relaxed me.(they live next to the beach in California)I put my earphones in and listened to Some music to get me in the running mood.

After a while I sat down and just watched the waves crash together. I was completely lost in thought just thinking about everything. When I checked the time it was 11am, damn I've been gone 5 hours.

I decided it was time to go back home. I got up and wiped the sand off of me and start running back home slowly.

I wasn't really in a rush to go back but Nash would probably send out a search party if I wasn't back soon. I got to the apartment and took a deep breath before going goes nothing. I turned the key and walked in locking the door behind me.

I threw my keys on the table beside the door before slipping my running shoes off.

When I walked in all the boys were sitting in the kitchen eating.Typical boys I thought to myself.I looked around until my eyes landed on Cameron.

He looked sad which broke my heart. I can't just stop loving him straight away. I know I should be angry and hate him but I don't, I still love him with all my heart,but I wasn't just gonna run back to him and tell him it's all alright because it's not.He hurt me...a lot.Matt noticed me first.

"Hey babygirl" he said with a smile.

As soon as he said that Cameron's head shot up in my direction, damn he could have got whiplash from that.

"Hey Matty"I waved to him and the boys.

All the boys smiled and said hello. I did what I do every morning, I gave them all a kiss on the cheek and a small hug.

I went from Matt to Carter to Shawn to Taylor to Nash. The next person was Cameron I walked towards him and he looked up at me sadly, I bent down and kissed his cheek softly and gave him a small hug while saying good morning.

He looked suprised but quickly replied with a "good morning" he smiled. I know your probably thinking what the hell why would you do that? but you have to remember Camerons been my bestfriend for 11 years so yeah, I'm not gonna throw all that away. Even if we aren't together I still want to have him in my life.

All the boys went to watch t.v but left their bowls on the the table. After I put them all in the dishwasher I grabbed an apple and walked into the living where the boys were.

I layed across Shawn, Taylor and Matt. My feet were on Shawn, my body was on Taylor and my head was on Matt.

"So Kadie we have a surprise for you....."

A surprise? For me?

"Really?what is it?"

"Well it wouldn't really be a suprise if we told you now would it" Taylor stated very matter-of-factly.

"Don't be a smartass Taylor" everyone laughed at that "Matty you'll tell me right?" I said pouting and batting my eyelashes.

"Don't look at me like that! Nash make her stop I can't take it when she makes that face" he groaned putting his face in his hands.

Matt is usually the first person to give into me. Before I could up my game a bit to get Matt to tell me Nash spoke.

"Well Kadie your surprise should be here in 5..4..3..2..1"

The doorbell rang right at that moment.Okayy now that was freaky. Nash went and opened the door.

I stood up not knowing what to expect.
He came back in and told me close my eyes. After a minute or two Nash finally told me I could open my eyes.

Oh my days.

I actually started to cry.

"OH MY GOD HAYES" I screamed. Coming out of my shocked state I ran and pulled my baby brother into a bone crushing hug.

Thanks for reading 😘❤️😍

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