Chapter 27

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Kadie's p.o.v

I have been pretending to be asleep for the past few minutes, It's probably weird that I'm pretending to be asleep but I just want to lay with Cameron for a little while longer, not thinking of the past just being with him.

I know he woke up awhile ago, I woke up because I felt Cameron move around.

Last night was the best sleep I've had in a long time even though I was lying on top of Cameron for most of it instead of being on the bed.

I could feel Cameron staring at my face and I felt him rubbing my cheek.

Don't move.

It was nice, and it's been a long time since anything like this has happened.

I miss just cuddling.

I decided it was time to "wake up" so I opened my eyes slowly, immediately seeing big brown eyes staring back at me.

His fingers stopped tracing my face and he held his breath. He probably thought I would be angry with him, but I wasn't.

Slowly I raised my hand and put it on top of his and he finally start breathing again.

"Hi" I whispered.

"Hi" he whispered back.

"How's your head" I asked quietly.He smiled showing his teeth.

"It's ok I just have a headache"

"I'll go get you some Advil for the pain" I stated.

As I tried to sit up he pulled me back down.

"No it's fine...just...just lay with me for awhile"

I laid back down on the bed while holding his hand and looking into his eyes.

Does he remember last night?

"Do you remember anything?" I asked hesitantly.

"I remember drinking....a lot and then you brought me here and I asked well begged you to stay....and you did."

I'm glad he remembers because it would have been awkward trying to explain why I was sleeping in his bed.

"Why did you ask me to stay?" I said so quietly that I'm not sure if he even heard it.

It took a few minutes for him to answer.

"I asked you to stay because I'm smarter when I'm drunk than I am when I'm sober" he replied.



I looked at his face and my eyes fell to his lips, slowly I started to lean in.

He must of understood what I was doing and he slowly start to move in closer.

Finally our lips met.....

He pulled me closer leaning over me a bit his lips never leaving mine.

He pulled back a small bit whispering "I love you" before pushing his lips back onto mine.

I put my hands on to his chest pushing him away so I could look into his eyes.

"Do you really?" I whispered.

Without hesitation he whispered back "yes"

"I love you too" I smiled pulling him in to kiss me again.

Thanks for reading 😘❤️😍

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