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He stared at her as she stood still, bewildered by the command he just said. He thought to himself, this will never work.

Being with her in the same room changes his entire mood. Her youth takes the best of her and oftentimes, he doesn't know how to control her.

In his entire twenty-seven years, he thought he could handle everything. He could handle mobsters striking a deal with him, politicians trying to profit from his business, and oftentimes, corrupt businessmen aiming to cage him by asking him to marry their daughters. He thinks he could handle anything this money-craved world has to throw at him.

Except for her.

A woman who's younger than him for about nine years, with a temper that's worse than his yet a heart that's as kind as Mother freaking Theresa.

"You can't stop me!" she shouted at him. Trying to open the door he shut close just a moment ago.

"Yes, I can! And you will do so because I said so." his voice was almost growling like a wolf calling out to the moon.

How could someone this innocent be so stubborn and vindictive? On the other hand, he realized he too was exactly like her when he was still younger, vindictive and stubborn. This woman who was standing in front of him is the female version of him.

"You are only paying me for my services! Not for my decisions! So if I say I want to go, I will go. And I don't think you can stop me!"

She was about to unlock the door to try and get out of his den. But before she could do so, he walked rapidly towards her, grabbed her from her arms, and cornered her nape with his hands.

"No one dares to disobey me. No one, not even you!"

Before he knew it, his instincts took over, he bowed down and met her lips for a kiss. It was not his intention but it all felt natural. He savored the taste of her sweet innocent lips that hesitated for a while. He could feel her lips tremble yet he continued to devour her.

He knew he wasn't rough, he was gentle, and yet, her trembling lips were too obvious. Slowly, he pressed more lightly, adjusting to her innocent pace. He tried to push his tongue in the slightest opening of her mouth.

As soon as he did find that chance, he heard her moan as he frenched her, baptizing her lips from pure innocence.

"Tell me to stop," he whispered in her ears.

All the while, she grabbed his nape and looked at him with such a sensuous stare.


He could hear her clearly and yet, he bowed his head down again and bestowed her with another explosive kiss. Is it just him? Or does she have certain control over him? A certain enchantment he just could not resist.

Didn't he say his heart died five years ago? How could he felt so alive right at this moment? With the woman, he never thought he'd lust over with? A woman who's young enough to be his sister?

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