Chapter 1

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Miranda Bailey was a surgical resident at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital, 26 years old and older than a resident, a leader by nature. She did surgeries alone as a resident, all the incumbents were afraid of her, she faced them like she was the boss and they all obeyed, not to mention that she was the boss's favorite.

Miranda was in surgery, had to remove a benign liver tumor, was with her intern George O'malley and Meredith Grey. They were all used to the fact that in her operating room there were no headlines nearby and only she was in charge, but this time Richard Webber was by her side, but when Miranda was about to open the patient they called him about a matter in the office.
-Bailey, will you take over?- Richard asked, already knowing the answer.
-With pleasure sir, scalpel 10- said Miranda and began to open.

The new anesthesiologist was in surgery, he was Benjamin Warren, he was an anesthesiologist and never in his entire career had he seen a resident operate completely alone, much less have a boss perform that surgery, he was fascinated but also had doubts.
Some time passed and when the surgery was about to end Ben decided to speak.
-Do the residents always operate alone here?- Ben asked, looking up from his crossword. Miranda looked up with an eyebrow and they all looked at Ben.
-You're new here, aren't you, gas man?- Miranda asked and everyone laughed, including Ben.

-I am- Ben said smiling, expecting a smile from the resident and missed.
-And let me tell you, miss, he says 'anesthesiologist', not 'gas man' - Ben said smiling and arching an eyebrow.
-Oh, what a shame, I thought it was the same- Miranda said mockingly and everyone laughed.
-And let me tell you, gas man ...-Miranda said and they all laughed. -... I can say by leagues that you are a novice in my operating room, otherwise you would know that for two years I have been in charge of surgeries, ALONE ...- Miranda said raising an eyebrow, putting it from "Dr. Bailey", They all held back their laughter and Ben smiled, he loved a defiant woman and he started to like how this woman treated him -... tweezers-.

After surgery:

Miranda was washing herself as she had successfully completed her surgery, the tumor had grown even more since the last studies and had become cancerous, but Miranda removed everything. Miranda looked up and there was Ben, staring at her, Miranda looked at him and lowered her head again, going back to what she was doing. After washing, he dried his hands and his phone rang, he took off his mask and attended to it, it was his father, Miranda looked towards the operating room and Ben kept looking at her, this time with a small smile, he was beautiful and that's why Miranda decided to ignore him, the least she needed were rumors about her and more considering that she was the most respected doctor in the hospital, so she ignored him and started talking to her father.

Ben looked at Miranda talking on the phone, he saw a big smile come out of her and that ended up killing him, she besides having a strong attitude, she was absolutely beautiful, Ben stayed there Looking at her, she looked up to see him, saw that he was still looking at her, then Miranda rolled her eyes and left the operating room, that made Ben laugh because apparently she was upset.


It was almost noon and since Miranda had a couple of hours off, she met up with Callie and James for lunch, they were friends from college with Arizona and Olivia, and they were lucky enough to be in the same program and with the same resident at their boarding school, the 5 were always together. The three of them were at one of the dining room tables and Ben was at one, looking right in front of Miranda, Miranda was smiling and when she looked up and the two eyes met, Miranda lowered her gaze and continued talking to her friends. Ben saw Miranda make a smile as she ate her salad and that made him smile.

Soon Olivia and Arizona came to the table and sat down, Arizona arrived with her daughter Sofia and gave her to Callie, Sofia was 10 months old and she was the daughter of Callie, Arizona and Mark Sloan, everyone's best friend at the table and he was a plastic surgeon. Olivia had been James's girlfriend since college, so Miranda was the only single in her group of friends, but no one told her about it.
-Can someone charge it for a second? Sophia steals my salad and I need to feed myself- Callie said and everyone laughed.
-I have finished eating, I'm going to carry her- said Miranda smiling, she got up, went around the table and grabbed Sofía by the skirt, Sofía was the goddaughter of Miranda, Olivia and James, and although she adored all her uncles, he had a special adoration with Midanda.

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