Chapter 4

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The studies came and Miranda had a medium concussion, they also requested CT scans of her spine in case there was any injury and blood tests in case there was anything else, but everything was in order, although Miranda still did not wake up, they said. She considered it normal, since together with the blow that the patient gave her, when she fell, her head hit the ground with too much force, which would explain the fact that she did not wake up. They moved her into a room, put central lines on her and everything else, and Ben stayed in the next room while Richard resolved all the conflict and his friends finished up with the patients. Jackson, Meredith and George decided to stay to accompany Miranda and seeing that Ben did not take his eyes off her.

-I think we should call her parents, I know she will wake up but we have already witnessed cases like these in which they do not wake up, and although I do not want that to happen and I know that Miranda Bailey would never call her parents, we have to do it, they are in Seattle, so I'll do it myself. - George said, everyone nodded and George called his parents even though it was almost 2 am, but they were already on their way. When George came out, Callie, Olivia, James, Arizona, and Mark entered. They stood in the living room, waiting for Miranda to evolve and wondering.

George was waiting for them at the emergency entrance and they arrived a few minutes later, they were very worried and George did not want to explain anything to them since he was an intern, and although Miranda's parents knew and trusted him, George did not want to do it. He led them to Miranda's room and they saw Richard at the door, Richard quickly explained what had happened, he told them about Miranda's condition and although it was not serious, both parents wanted to cry.

They entered slowly and saw several familiar faces and William and Elena greeted everyone. Ben was standing next to Miranda's bed, appreciating how beautiful she was and running a finger across her face, until he saw Miranda's parents come in and put their hand away. He watched the knights greet everyone and then looked at Ben, the only face he didn't know.

-I'm dr. Warren, Miranda's friend, I was there when everything happened, we helped her and I stayed here with her.- Miranda's parents greeted him but looked at him confused
-... I say this so you can be sure that Miranda was not alone, we were all here pending- Ben said reassuring them both, Elena held out her hand to Ben and thanked everyone.

-We'll give them privacy- Callie said and, along with the interns and the resident, quietly left the room. After they left they were a bit silent and Ben spoke:
-I'll do the same, with your permission- Ben said and William cut him off.
-You can stay if you want, I see that my daughter worries you- said William and Ben avoided blushing at what he said.
-That's right- Ben said and approached slowly, but giving his parents room.

Elena approached Miranda and touched her face, Ben could see that Miranda was a younger version of his mother, and he had to admit that both women were very beautiful.
-Mandy, wake up yes? At least wake up for 5 minutes to see your mother- Elena said, caressing her face in the hope that Miranda would react. William took her hand but nothing happened. Elena thought that if she heard a different voice she might react, so she thought of Ben.

-Dr. Warren ...-
-You can call me Ben, mrs. Bailey- said Ben smiling.
-Can you talk to him? Maybe if he hears a different voice he can react. - Elena said and Ben was honestly surprised.
-I will gladly, but you do not have to worry if she does not wake up now, her trauma was very strong and it is normal that she does not react as soon as we all want - Ben said and they both nodded.

Ben moved a little closer and in one movement took Miranda's hand, intertwining their fingers.
-Hey dra. Bailey, your parents are here and they won't leave until you open your eyes, so make them aware, and also me, I can't do that surgery without you and you know it.- Ben said smiling, his parents looked at the way he was that Ben spoke to her and although they liked him very much they were confused, since Miranda never spoke of him.
-Wake up Miranda ... yes?- Ben said, smiling slightly.

A few seconds later, Ben felt his hand being squeezed, when he looked down he saw Miranda's thumb move slightly in his hand and Ben smiled.
-He's reacting- Ben said and his parents smiled. Miranda slowly opened her eyes and looked at Ben.
-Anesthesiologists do not operate dr. Warren- Miranda said with a slightly hoarse voice and everyone laughed with happiness.
-It's definitely okay- Ben said smiling.

Second opportunityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora