Chapter 21

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It had been a week since Miranda and Ben met in his office, William had been discharged the next day and was already at home for almost a week. John and Miranda decided to leave William in charge of John's mother when they went to work as Miranda was afraid that something like this might happen again. John's mother, Mrs. Grace got along very well with Miranda, in fact, they were like mother and daughter, Miranda felt that when she was with her she had that mother she hadn't had in years, Mrs. Grace loved John, William and Miranda, they were his family and he supported them in everything.

Miranda had passed Ben several times during that week, they had not spoken but Ben was constantly looking at her through the corridors, he was constantly smiling at her and that left Miranda nervous. John and Ben had crossed paths, John tried to talk to Ben several times, but Ben was ignoring him and did not want to talk to him, which left the situation a bit awkward.

Ben was looking at the board when John approached him, Ben was sick of seeing him, every time he saw him he wanted to hit him, he didn't know if he would hold out any longer.
-What do you want?- Ben said with a big sigh, showing that he was upset.
-I want to talk to you, I've been trying for weeks and you ...- John said but then stopped talking when he saw Ben turn around and leave, but he followed.
-You know that we don't solve anything, you can't run away when you have a conflict in your life Benjamin- John said walking beside him.
-What conflict? That you had a child with my ex-girlfriend? With the woman I told you about day and night? - Ben said as he continued walking and John did not leave his side.
-I want to talk to you about it for weeks and you don't want to listen to me, things were not as you think ...- John said but was interrupted when Ben threw a blow to his face, making him sway to the side and bleed a little.

-What happens to you!? I just want to talk !! - John said straightening up.
-And you think I want to talk?- Ben said, clenching his fist and throwing another blow to the jaw, causing John to fall to the floor, John quickly stood up and laughed.
-It's very mature of you to hit, don't you think?- John said and quickly threw a blow at Ben's face.
Ben touched face and when he saw that it had blood he threw himself on top of it. Very soon there were people around him watching as they both hit each other.

Miranda and Danielle were walking down the hallways looking at their notes when they looked up and could see Ben throw a punch at John and a few seconds later they were both on the floor hitting each other.
-This has to be a damn joke- Miranda said angrily.
-Take Benjamin away, he ignores me- Danielle said and they both ran towards them.
-WARREN! HARRIS! - both women shouted, Miranda got in the middle of both men and received a scratch on her face from one of them, but she didn't feel it. Danielle pulled John by the arm to the side and Miranda pulled Ben, when they were apart, both men of the same height stood up with the intention of continuing to hit each other, but Miranda stood between them spreading them with her arms while Danielle pushed John to his side.

Miranda looked them both in the eye and Ben couldn't help but stop.
-This has to be a joke- Miranda growled at both of them angrily.
-EVERYONE GET BACK TO WORK!!!- Danielle yelled and they all ran to their jobs.
-You, come with me- Danielle said, taking John away.
-Come here- Miranda said to Ben. -But ...- -I'm not asking you, come if you want to keep your job- Miranda said with her boss tone, Ben gave up and followed her.

Miranda led him to a room alone and from the closet she took hydrogen peroxide, wipes, thread and needles, bandages, ice, everything she needed to heal her face and hand. Ben was sitting on the gurney in the room, his face was swollen and his hand hurt. Miranda approached him without speaking or looking into his eyes and put her hand on the countertop to start curing it, began to put the hydrogen peroxide and Ben made a face. Ben looked into her eyes as she concentrated on his hand and could see that, in addition to a wound, there was blood on the side of his face.

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