Chapter 16

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Four years later:

It had been four years since Miranda had left and Ben has not stopped thinking about her. He missed being with her, having her, feeling her, kissing her, loving her, he felt empty with her absence and the only thing he thought about all these years was if he would see her again, if she would forgive him and if they would be together again, have children, a family next to her, he could not look at another woman since she left, Ben loved that woman and that was not a mystery at all.

Callie, Arizona, Olivia and James made headlines. Callie and Olivia majored in orthopedics, Arizona majored in pediatrics, and James majored in plastics. The interns were now fourth year residents, George and April wanted to specialize in trauma, Meredith in general, Cristina in cardio, Jackson in plastic, and Alex in pediatrics. Everyone was still close as always and continued to have a relationship with Miranda despite the fact that she was in another hospital.


Miranda's pov:

Miranda was getting ready at home to go see Richard. It was 8am, she carefully showered for her burns, applied lotion to her body, and got dressed. She put on a light blue jean, a white button-down shirt, heels, and a leather coat. She looked at herself in the mirror and satisfied with how she looked, she went to the bathroom, brushed her teeth and then did a light makeup.

She returned to her room to wake up her son, William George, he was one and a half years old and the son of an affair that Miranda had almost 3 years ago, and that is why Miranda's parents do not speak to him. Miranda and her son's father became best friends after their adventure and when Miranda found out about her pregnancy, Jonh, William's father, who is also a doctor and works at Gray Sloan, helped her with everything.

He woke up his son and when he started crying gave him a bottle of milk, then dressed him in a jean and a buttoned shirt, his son was close to all his friends from Gray Sloan and Seattle Press, they all adored William George, mainly Richard, William was constantly saying "Uncle Richie" since I hadn't seen him for a few weeks, he was very cute. With her brush she combed it and put her baby cologne on it, when they were ready she went to the kitchen, put it on her chair and Miranda started preparing something to eat, when she was almost soon they knocked on the door, Miranda assumed it was John, already who had told him the day before to come at 9am, yelled at him to stop and he did. The three had breakfast and headed to the hospital.

When they got to the parking lot, Miranda and John got out of the car and went to the lobby, while John was changing Miranda was walking around with her son in her arms, she was too nervous to see Ben, she had no problems with Danielle since they had both been fixed since Miranda left, but she knew that at least Ben would see her go by and that left her even more nervous. John realized that she was nervous and put a hand on her shoulder.
-Everything will be fine Miranda, both will need to talk, maybe not now but they will, just calm down- said John and Miranda nodded.

- + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +

Everyone in the hospital was with Richard after his illness, he had suffered cobalt poisoning from a hip replacement a week ago and had already fully recovered his memory, which was excellent since it had been a short time, he was not physically well for what would stay a few more weeks in the hospital. There were several doctors in Richard's room, there were Ben, Callie, Mark, Danielle, Arizona, Olivia, James and Alice. Alice had become the "friend" of almost everyone, even Ben had a friendship with her, they did not love each other, they only saw each other as friends. It took all of them work to trust both her and Danielle, but both showed to have matured and everything seemed to be fine.

Doctors were scattered around the room keeping Richard company. Arizona, Cristina, and Olivia were sitting on the couch, Meredith, April, Alex, George, and Jackson were standing near Richard, Ben, James, Alice, and Daniel were on the other side of the room and Mark was standing by the door. .

-Richard, did you call her?- Callie asked, referring to Miranda, Richard's eyes widening as he realized he forgot to do so.
-He'll kill me- Richard said and they all laughed even though they didn't know who he was talking about. Callie laughed and walked over to him.
-I knew, that's why I called her a couple of days ago, she said she'd be coming today- Callie said and Richard smiled.
-Who's coming?- They all asked and Callie didn't know what to answer.
-A friend of Richard's- Mark said.
-Before you start doubting, I consider her as a daughter- Richard said with raised eyebrows and everyone laughed.

Callie's cell phone rang, she saw it was Miranda, and she answered.
-Hey girl, I'm in the lobby- Miranda said.
-Here I go- said Callie and cut the phone
-Richard, she's in the lobby, I'll be right back now- Callie said heading for the door.
-I'm going too, I have a job- Ben said, and Alice, Mark and the residents left with him, leaving only Olivia, James, Arizona and Danielle with Richard in the room.

In the lobby:

Before opening the door, Callie looked to the sides to make sure no one came, when she did she opened the door and there was Miranda with Willian on her, Callie came over, took the child in her arms and hugged Miranda.
-Ouch ouch ouch, watch out Calliope- Miranda said laughing.
-Oh yeah, sorry- Callie said, walking away smiling.
-Who are with Richard? - Miranda said, who honestly did not want to see Ben or his wife.
-Ben, Alice, Mark and the residents just left, it's just Olivia, James, Arizona and me- Callie said and Miranda sighed in Relief.
-Okay, I'll go now then- Miranda said, carrying her son and they left the hall.

Callie and Miranda were walking down the hall to Richard's room, several nurses greeted Miranda, giving William affection and then they arrived at the door of the room.
-You'll tell her about the burns, right?- Callie said with her arms crossed and a raised eyebrow, Miranda giggled and nodded.

Miranda knocked on the door and then passed.
Miranda entered slowly going towards Richard, Richard looked at her and smiled.
-Do you think you're immortal Richard?- Miranda said in her -dra Bailey- tone and Richard laughed.
-Do you think it's my fault that cobalt has intoxicated me?- Richard said, raising his eyebrows and Miranda couldn't help but laugh.
-I'm glad you're okay- Miranda said smiling.

Miranda looked at her friends who were all smiling, James held William and Olivia and Arizona couldn't hold themselves and went to hug her.
-Be careful, please- Miranda said and they both hugged her gently. Then Danielle and James hugged her, thanking her for coming.
-Give me my nephew, I really want to carry him- Richard said smiling. Richard held it and the baby laughed.

They spent an hour chatting and playing with William and everyone was delighted with Miranda's visit.
-I'll go to the bathroom- Miranda said.
-Use the bathroom here-
-No, I'll go to the outside, by the way I greet some friends- Miranda said, everyone nodded and she left. 10 minutes later Ben walked into Richard's room with Alice and saw William on Danielle's lap.
-What is John's son doing here?- Ben said smiling and holding William. Everyone at Gray Sloan knew and knew that William was John's son, but no one other than his friends knew that he was also Miranda's son.
-John is in surgery, William came with his mommy- Danielle said smiling and playing with William, who was on Ben's lap.
-And who is your mother? John always talks about her but I didn't know her- said Ben and everyone's eyes widened at the thought that Ben and Miranda would see each other again.

Before anyone could respond, Miranda walked through the door with Meredith and they all turned to see her. Ben was paralyzed when he saw that the mother of the son of one of his best friends, was actually the love of his life, many memories came to Ben's mind when he saw the woman he loved and did not see 4 years ago , I was puzzled. Danielle noticed that and carried William, Ben and Miranda stood there looking at each other for a few seconds until they broke the silence.

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