Chapter 15

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Two days later:

Ben's pov:

Ben was walking through the hospital, he felt bad about losing Miranda and knew that he was the culprit, and if he had told him everything would be better? He didn't know, he wanted to try to tell her earlier, but it was too late, she was gone and even though she had reason enough to leave, he was angry that she did.
Ben had been avoiding Miranda's friends and sister, he knew they knew and they were angry, and even though they were right Ben was sad and didn't need any insults.
Ben was alone in the cafeteria, Miranda's friends were two tables away from him and looked at him with contempt, his wife, or ex-wife, Dr. Alice Pérez started working at the hospital, everyone knew that she was Ben's "wife" and that's why everyone tried to avoid her, although she appeared everywhere.

Ben was eating and staring at nothing when he felt someone sit at his table, first he thought it was Alice, but when he saw it was Mark he looked up.
-You know that everyone is talking about you, right? - said Mark, who was also angry but understood both.
-Yeah, I know- Ben sighed.
-You know, if you had told Miranda the truth from the beginning she would have supported you, I know that, but even I didn't know that you were still married, you told me that you had been divorced and that's why I didn't comment on Miranda- said Mark and Ben kept listening.
-I don't know where Miranda is, I would tell you if I knew but she magically disappeared, two days ago nobody knows about her, I suppose she went to make her life or something like that, but she needs time and you need time to know what you want, I'm not on your side but I support you in everything- said Mark and they both laughed at the end.
-Thanks- Ben said, Mark nodded and left.

Ben didn't know what to do, he didn't know how to continue without Miranda, she was gone, probably forever and Ben was destroyed, he knew that she was too, and that made it even worse, the images of her screaming and crying passed by. his head the whole time, he didn't know if he could go on living normally without Miranda by his side.
He was walking down the hall when he saw Danielle coming towards him, she stood in front of him and crossed her arms.
-I found out what you did to my sister- Danielle said.
-You like to see her suffer, didn't you want that?- Ben said sarcastically.
-Actually no, I came to tell you that you are an idiot, my sister loved you and you destroyed her- said Danielle and Ben was confused.

-And yes, I know what you are thinking, but I feel just as guilty as you ... I was a terrible sister to her being that Miranda has supported me in everything, all I want to do is apologize to her, I was not ... I was not the person she needed and now she's gone, that's why I feel that somehow if I'm good to you I won't have so much guilt ... and I say it because guilt is eating me alive, that's why I also ask you sorry to you for everything I did- Danielle said really sorry, Ben could see in her eyes that her regret was real and she smiled.
-I accept your apology- Ben said shaking his hand.
-But you called me an idiot two minutes ago, is that good for you?- Ben said laughing.
-You deserved it, and the insults are part of me, you'll have to get used to it- Danielle said, they both laughed and continued walking down the hall.

-Okay, I need a friend anyway, everyone hates me- Ben said laughing.
-I didn't say I liked you, but I'll learn to do it- Danielle said jokingly and they both laughed.

Miranda's pov:

Miranda bought another apartment and changed her phone number the day after she resigned, she did not want Ben or Danielle to look for her, only Richard and his friends knew in which hospital she was working and she begged them not to talk about her at the hospital , Miranda wanted nothing more to do with Ben, and although she did love him and continues to do so, she feels betrayed by him.

Miranda arrived on her first day of work, everything was going very well, the doctors were very kind and treated her like a friend, which made her happy. A few days after her arrival at the Seattle Press, Miranda decided to call her parents and give them an explanation, they supported her and promised not to speak at all, which made things easier for Miranda.

His position was very good, he thought it would be more difficult but it was not, the doctors in that short time had become his friends and that made things easier, and although he did not want to leave Gray Sloan, he loved the idea of have another family.

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