Chapter 20

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Miranda came out of her surgery in a hurry to find her son, saw a nurse on the side of the hall and walked over to her, asked about her son and the nurse led her into the room. When Miranda came in John was sitting on the bed and his son was sleeping with an IV in his little arm, Miranda walked over to her son and touched his face with her fingers, smiling at how beautiful he was.
-News?- Miranda said looking for the file, but could not find it.
-They took the file, they knew you'd want to see it- John laughed and Miranda rolled her eyes.
-He's fine, he's lowering his temperature, they had done a blood test before calling us and everything is normal, it's just a fever- Johnn said and Miranda sighed, relieved that it wasn't serious.
-They said they'd rather keep him here until tomorrow and if his temperature doesn't rise, he can leave- John said and Miranda nodded.

An hour had passed, it was already midnight and the doctors would go home, John was in the room with William and Miranda had to go to his office to receive Dr. Perez and complain about his behavior in the operating room. After the surgery, Miranda changed her clothes, she finally decided to admit her position as boss since many people knew about it, so she went to her locker and took out a formal black pants, a beige shirt and a black blazer that she had stored there for when assumed her position as head of the hospital.
She dressed but did not put on the blazer since it was hot, she put her shirt inside her pants, fixed the neck and left the first two buttons detached, since they did not close by her breasts, she put on black heels, arranged her hair with his hands and then he went to his office to wait.

-You are crazy!? You confronted and insulted the head of surgery, pray that she does not fire you! - Ben said to Alice as they walked quickly to the office.
-I didn't know it was the boss!- Alice said nervously.
-No one knew but you took a chance! And what you said was stupid, you can't talk about the personal affairs of other doctors in the operating room, especially without their consent- said Ben, praying that nothing got out of control.
-All I know about that woman is that she slept with my husband...- -Ex-husband- Ben interrupted.
-Anyway, I feel like I'll get there and he's going to kill me, did you see how he got mad today !! ?? - Alice said fearfully.

-She was in a delicate situation with her son and you called her a bitch, you wanted me to thank you for that!?- Ben exclaimed as they continued walking, when they suddenly stopped at the office door.
-I'm nervous- Alice whispered.
-You should- Ben replied and Alice rolled her eyes, a few seconds later she knocked on the door.

Miranda was waiting, 10 minutes had passed when she suddenly felt someone knocking on the door.
-Come in!- Miranda yelled, standing up quickly.
Alice came in and saw her, she looked very elegant and formal and when she looked at her table she saw her name there, she knew it was true, she was the boss. Miranda saw Alice in front of her and scanned her, she was wearing blue jeans and a blue blouse with a little cleavage, she looked good but that was not the point.

-Tell Dr. Warren to come in too, I need to talk to him- Miranda said and both Alice and Ben, who was out of the room, widened their eyes.
-Can't you hear me? Tell him to come in, I need to talk to him- Miranda repeated and Alice nodded. A second later Ben walked through the door and he and Miranda made eye contact, Ben took a second to scan his body and damn he looked good.

-With permission, chief- Ben said, emphasizing his last word.
-Go ahead Dr. Warren- Miranda said, breaking eye contact with him.
Ben stood at the side of the room, staring at Miranda, she looked so good, her black pants molded her hips and her shirt open on her breasts, it left him crazy, he thought they looked bigger than when they met, Ben He knew she was absolutely beautiful and sexy, the images of him unbuttoning her bra and releasing her breasts flashed through his mind, he was struggling not to get hard but it was a difficult task, every part of her was beautiful and desirable in the eyes anyone who looks at her carefully and without question, Ben wanted her just for himself.

-Okay, I'll be quick, doctor ...- -Perez ... Doctor Perez- Alice interrupted.
-Anyway, I hope that what happened today in that operating room won't happen again- Miranda said with one arm on her hip, looking at Alice very seriously.
-Is that...- -Sh! I'm not done!- Miranda interrupted, shutting Alice up and making Ben want to laugh, but held back.

-You were in an operating room with many surgeons removing 15 TUMORS from a patient ... a patient who was at risk and the least you could have done was respect the patient and the surgeons around you-
-I know and I ...-
-You not only offended me by insinuating that she was a bitch, you also offended the patient, not to mention that I was in a delicate situation with my son and your unnecessary comments ruined my day even more- Miranda spoke.

-You cannot talk about personal issues in the operating room, I did not give you my consent to do so, you and I are not friends! You are a hospital official and I am your boss, you are under my command and I repeat it, I do not want this to happen again, otherwise I will have to take other measures- finished Miranda.

-I'm sorry chief, it won't happen again- Alice said swallowing hard.
-I hope so, now you can leave- Miranda said and Alice nodded, walking out the door.

Miranda looked down for a second and then looked at Ben, who was staring at her.
-I want to apologize for what I said today in the operating room- Miranda said seriously but really sorry. Ben looked into her eyes, she was so beautiful and he still couldn't believe she was in front of him.
-Okay, it was a complicated situation and I understand you- Ben said, letting him know that he was okay.
-No, I mean ... it was complicated but it is not justification, what I told you was not nice and I know it hurt, that's why I ask you to forgive me- Miranda said a little nervous and Ben smiled, without answering her.

-Miranda Bailey apologizing, you have changed- Ben smiled approaching her and Miranda laughed slightly, hypnotizing Ben with her beautiful laugh.
-Many things have changed- Miranda said, flicking her hair back and smiling.
-You're beautiful...-Ben said and Miranda blushed looking into his eyes. -... I mean, you never stopped being- said Ben and they both laughed, Ben loved to continue having that effect on her, whenever he praised her she blushed and Ben loved that about her, let his guard down near him and he loved that.
-Glad to see you- Miranda said and Ben smiled even more.
-Me too- said Ben, who was dying to hug her but didn't know if it was time.

They stared at each other for a few minutes, the desire that both had to hug, eat kisses and undress right there was enormous, Miranda just thinking about it felt that she was getting wet and Ben struggled not to jump on her.
-Well, I'll see you tomorrow, I think- Ben said, cutting off eye contact, because if he didn't, he would jump on her without thinking.
-See you tomorrow- Miranda said, Ben smiled slightly and headed towards the door as Miranda followed him with her eyes. When Ben got to the door he turned around, raised his hand to say goodbye, and Miranda smiled back at him. Ben left the office and Miranda gave a huge smile, she missed him.

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