Chapter 13

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They successfully transplanted the intestine, Alex did the honors and that made him happy, they repaired the rest of the organs, Callie repaired her ribs and together with Derek they repaired her spine, the patient was stable, out of risk and would recover soon, which it was a miracle for the amount of injuries on her.

Miranda was in the laundry room scrubbing and Ben was in the operating room cleaning the tools, they both gave each other a look and smiled, Miranda was still scrubbing when she heard the noise of the door opening, she thought it was Ben but when she looked up she saw Eli, Miranda immediately He looked at the sink and continued doing his thing.
-What do you need?- Miranda said abruptly, Ben looked up and saw the man who was smiling from the gallery and leaving Miranda tense and afraid, he decided to look since that guy did not convey confidence.
-Hey, calm down Miranda- Eli said, looking her up and down and Miranda sighed.
-It's dra. Bailey for you- Miranda repeated sharply, nonstop scrubbing.
Ben saw how this man, who seemed to be a nurse, looked Miranda up and down, clearly with desire and that infuriated him.

-If you don't need anything back off- Miranda said and heard Eli laugh.
-You make yourself the difficult truth? - Eli said approaching and Miranda walked away. When Ben saw that he approached Miranda and she walked away, Ben immediately stood up, trying to get someone's attention but no one saw him.
-Don't even try- Miranda said turning off the tap and grabbing a cloth to dry herself, Miranda jumped when she felt Eli's hand on her butt.
-What's wrong with you? - Miranda said angrily and Eli approached her, Ben when he saw where Eli's hand went, he went to the door and entered, putting Miranda behind him with one arm and his Another hand, clenched his fist and hit Eli's jaw, causing the male nurse to fall to the floor putting his hand on his face.

-Don't go near her again!- Ben yelled and Miranda took him by the arm to push him away.
-Ben, let's go- Miranda said clinging to his arm and Ben slightly released his grip when he saw Eli stand up.
Eli stood up and when he went to hit Ben, he grabbed his hand before it touched his face, stopping the blow.
-If you go near my girlfriend again I swear that that blow will not be the only thing you will have to heal- Ben threatened, making her leave, Eli raised his hands in surrender and left.

When he left, Ben turned to Miranda and grabbed her face.
-Are you okay? Did he do something to you? - Ben began to ask, Miranda took his hands to calm him down.
-Easy, it didn't hurt me- Miranda said, Ben hugged her, she put her arms around his shoulders and Ben around his waist. He heard Miranda sigh on the back of his neck and he tightened his hug.
-Sorry about that- Miranda said on the verge of tears.
-Sh sh, no love, it's not your fault that guy did that, and hitting him is the least I would have to do- said Ben grabbing his face and they both laughed at the end, Ben gave him a soft kiss and they hugged again .
-He won't hurt you while I'm around, you hear?- Ben said looking at her face with his hands on her waist, Miranda smiled and nodded, wrapped her arms around her neck and they kissed each other gently before leaving.

In the parking lot:

Ben and Miranda went hand in hand to the parking lot, each one went to his car, but first they would go to Miranda's house to look for clothes, Ben asked him to stay that night at his house, since due to Eli's background, Ben was afraid that he would go to Miranda and hurt her, so Miranda would stay at his house for at least that night. They went to Miranda's house and then to Ben's house.

When they got to Ben's house they both showered together, then ordered pizza, had dinner, and lay on his bed. Miranda had her leg and arm on top of Ben, he had his arm around her body and his hand on his lower back.
-Where do you know the guy from today?- Ben asked curiously, Miranda sighed and replied.
-My intention was never to meet him, he was interested in me since I was an intern, and he has stalked me since then, but he had never done what he did today, everyone says that this guy is a womanizer and that he even hit one of his ex-partners That's why I stay away from him- Miranda said, caressing Ben's chest.
Ben brought his head close and gave her a kiss on the temple, turned around and they were face to face, interlocked their legs and hugged, staying close body to body.
-It won't hurt as long as I'm around- Ben said, lifting his face to her chin and giving her a soft kiss, and in a few minutes they were asleep.

5 months later:

Ben and Miranda already had almost 6 months of relationship, everything was going great, they supported and loved each other, their relationship was beautiful.
Danielle annoyed Ben from time to time but she had already given up when she saw that he would not leave Miranda, and Eli would stalk Miranda from time to time, he would look at her from a distance and when Ben saw that, he would approach and kiss Miranda.

They had called Miranda a few days ago, he was from the Seattle Press hospital and they offered him the head of surgery, the old boss was a work enemy of Richard, they had competed several times and since Richard had always won and excelled in everything, this man would have tried destroy his career several times but without success.
Miranda upon receiving the news was very happy and also shocked, she always wanted to be the boss at her hospital, but she never imagined how fast. She hadn't told Ben yet, as she wasn't sure she would accept it, but she had been thinking about it and was going to reject the proposal.

Miranda and Ben were entering the emergency room and stood there talking, since they had no pending cases.
They both talked and laughed opposite each other and when Ben thought to look aside his heart stopped. He saw a woman he knew very well going towards both of them.
-It can't be, Miranda ...- Ben said turning towards Miranda and grabbing her face.
-... I love you and please forgive me- Ben said and Miranda looked at him confused.
-What's wrong ...- Miranda asked before being interrupted by a white woman, with black hair and green eyes, at least 1.65 tall who was staring at Ben and then at Miranda.
-Everything would be easier if you answered my calls, a few months ago I don't know about you- said the woman looking at Ben, and Miranda was officially confused.
-Oh, where are my manners? I'm Mrs. Warren- said the woman looking at Miranda from top to bottom, Miranda could see Ben cover his face with one hand and did not understand anything, "Mrs. Warren"? What was all this?

-Mrs. Warren?- Miranda asked looking at the woman and then at Ben.
-And you are the bitch that sleeps with my husband? -

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