Chapter 3

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She arrived at her table and sat down again, everyone was looking at her with a slight smile on their faces and Miranda raised an eyebrow, knowing that they would ask about everything.
-Now what?- Miranda asked and everyone exploded in happiness but Miranda was not in the mood for such talks.
-Do you like the anesthesiologist?- Callie asked and Miranda gasped.
-You're crazy- Miranda said laughing and everyone looked at her with mischievous looks.

-Oh please, is it serious? I have to be his work duo for a while and we will have to meet to work inside and outside the hospital, it is a GREAT case and we need to study it a lot- said Miranda trying to convince her friends that it was not very important but they interpreted it otherwise.
-I bet the case will not be the only thing they will study- Olivia said raising her eyebrows and everyone laughed.
-James, control your girlfriend or I'll hit her- Miranda said and they all laughed again.
-Just like now that you mention it, he gets nervous every time I'm around, he even did it now, so much so that when I told him he blushed.- Miranda said and no one was surprised, Miranda was always a beautiful woman with good character.
-How did you tell him?- James said smiling.
-First she started stuttering and then she blushed, today she told me she was beautiful- Miranda said in a low voice so that the others would not hear.

-Oooohhhhh it can't be, he likes you- they all said and Mark came from behind Miranda.
-Who likes you Bailey?- Mark said smiling and sitting down.
-At dr. Warren, and also in the middle of the hospital- Callie said and they all nodded.
-Oh please, I'm not even a big deal, Calliope- Miranda said, laughing in embarrassment.
-Dr. Warren?" Said Mark.
-Ooohhh, I knew it- Mark said smiling and Miranda looked at him with raised eyebrows.
-How did you know, Mark Sloan?- Miranda said in her Miranda Bailey tone.
-If you allow me Miranda, you are very beautiful, and sexy- said Mark, the whole group had enough confidence to talk about it without being ashamed and everyone adored him. Miranda laughed and punched him in the arm playfully, which made Mark laugh and wince.
-And Warren's been talking about you all day, so it was pretty obvious- Mark finished and everyone laughed mischievously at Miranda.

-But seriously, you are very beautiful Miranda, the fact that you do not see her does not make it a lie- James said being honest and everyone nodded.
-Okay let's stop talking about me, where is my niece Mark Sloan??- Miranda said, looking at Mark and raising her eyebrows.
-Well, here she comes- said Mark, the baby arrived on the lap of none other than Benjamin Warren, he and Mark were old friends and Mark asked him to go find Sofia since neither he nor their mothers would have time to do it . Miranda looked at Ben and cursed to herself, the last thing she needed was more teasing from her friends.
Ben put Sofía on the ground and she took a few steps, which made everyone smile, Sofía incredibly walked directly towards Miranda, which made her explode with happiness since with only 10 months she was walking and approaching her.

Miranda grabbed her skirt and Sofia smiled widely, they both had a great connection, which left everyone happy. Miranda took a quick glance at Ben, who was looking at her and smiled at the connection between the girl and the doctor.
- Sofia walks? Are you 10 months old and are you walking? - Miranda said smiling, looking at the baby who was also smiling.
-And nobody told me?- Miranda said arching her eyebrows, looking at the girl's parents and they all laughed.
-I thought you would know- Arizona said smiling.
-Aha, that's jealousy because Sofia loves her godmother more than her parents, isn't that right Sofia? - Miranda said and Sofía gave a cry that made everyone smile.
-You saw, Sofia affirms it- Miranda said smiling.
-It's not okay, Miranda took our daughter from us- Mark said and everyone laughed.

-Don't be careless, Sloan- Miranda said with a wink and everyone laughed.
-As long as she has her godmother, everything is fine- said Miranda, Ben was amazed at how Miranda was with the children, or at least with this girl and began to wonder if she has or wants children.
-As long as she has her two godmothers- said Olivia, Miranda released Sofía on the floor and the girl walked towards Olivia who was in front of her and they all smiled again, Sofía transmitted a lot of joy and peace. Ben was still standing there, admiring that part that Miranda did not use to show to anyone but that everyone wants to know, he was such a kind and beautiful person at that time, he was always beautiful but pleasant according to the circumstances.

The pager for Miranda, Olivia and Ben rang, warning that a trauma was coming.
-Since when does the gas man have a pager?- Miranda said mockingly and everyone laughed.
-I'm multitasking- Ben said winking at her and smiling at Miranda, clearly flirting with her, everyone noticed and Miranda rolled her eyes. Olivia left the baby with Mark who was about to leave but her pager went off too, so she left her with Callie and they went into trauma.

They went to put on the yellow robe and Ben tied the robe to Miranda without asking, he just did and Miranda left him, everyone looked at that and wanted to hide their smile but not everyone could, Ben noticed that and smiled.
Everyone went out to wait for the trauma:
-Why did you request so many doctors?- Olivia said.
-Probably the question is, why did you request an anesthesiologist?- Miranda said seriously, without looking at Ben, Mark and Olivia laughed out loud, making Ben look at Miranda and also laugh.

-You're daring Miranda Bailey- Ben said smiling, and for some reason he loved that Miranda made fun of him.
-I am many things Benjamin Warren- Miranda said, clearly following the flirtation and Ben smiled. Olivia and Mark witnessed the scene and both looked at each other in surprise, although Miranda did have a boyfriend in college and in her first year of internship, she had never flirted with any of the many doctors at that hospital who have flirted with her.

The ambulance arrived and soon more arrived, and more doctors arrived to attend to all the traumas. Olivia and Mark went to one ambulance, Ben and Miranda to another and immediately Callie, Arizona and James arrived, along with other doctors and interns to attend to the multiple traumas.
Miranda and Ben were taking a patient in bed to the place of stretcher number 2, it was a man in his 50s who seemed drunk or drugged, but they claimed that he had no alcohol or narcotics in his body, so the theory was that he had dementia or Alzheimer's. The man was quite aggressive and they had to call Richard to help them both. Miranda tried to feel her heart beat but the man was moving too much.

-Sir, I need to hear your heart,-!Miranda yelled because there was a lot of noise in the hospital.
-No, leave me alone, don't touch me!- Said the man constantly.
-Sir please, I need ...- Miranda said when the man gave her a big blow with his fist in her face, interrupting her and falling to the floor passed out. Ben watched her fall and hit her head hard on the floor and went to help her, Richard saw that and with all his might he stopped the man against the bed, the man got scared and stayed still after a threat from Richard.

-Miranda, Miranda! Answer Miranda! - Ben said constantly touching Miranda's face and stabilizing her neck, but Miranda was unconscious, a bruise began to appear on her eye, her nose had blood and her lip had a small cut.
-What happened !?- Meredith, George and Jackson said at the same time worried and Ben yelled at them to bring a stretcher. Ben lifted her easily by grabbing her from her back and legs, placed her on the gurney, and walked with his inmates to trauma 2.

Ben examined his pupils and they were normal and reactive, they gave him medication so that he would not feel pain. Richard arrived hours later and Miranda was still passed out, which worried everyone, so they did neurological tests.

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