Chapter 19

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Two weeks later...

William was already home, his surgery had gone well and he was stable. Miranda started working at the hospital two weeks ago but had not yet entered surgery, tomorrow was the day they authorized her to enter since she had completely healed and was very happy. Miranda was avoiding Ben since she went to work and she did it successfully, he did not see her all those days, although Miranda did not leave the office often anyway and no doctor other than John, Callie and Richard knew her position.

Instead John had tried to talk to Ben, but he had ignored him since then, Ben knew that if he spoke to him he would lose control, that is, he slept with the love of his life and did not tell him? Ben was disappointed.

Richard, on the other hand, evolved very quickly, he left his house two days after appointing Miranda boss, he felt so good and was so excited to return to the operating room that he begged Miranda to let him operate with her, Miranda ended up accepting that since it was too much insistence and did not want to fight with him.

Two day later...

Miranda was at home, she took a shower with William since it was the only way to calm him down, she got out of the shower next to him and put him on the bed with his towel wrapped around his little body, she played with him by putting the towel on his face , making him laugh, then dried him off, put him in comfortable clothes and left him watching TV while he got dressed.
Miranda turned to her closet and found some dark blue jeans, a white button-down shirt and a set of red lace panties, got dressed and then arranged her hair, put on earrings, a necklace and her favorite perfume, put on her Jordan black and white and went to the kitchen with William to prepare his breakfast.

An hour later Miranda was in the hospital parking lot, she got out of the car, put her and William's bag on her back and entered next to him, John had been on duty all night, so Miranda let him rest and he he would stay with William the next day.

Miranda entered the hospital with William and took him to the nursery leaving her bag there, went to her locker and changed her clothes, putting on her gown but leaving her Jordans, they were too comfortable and she did not want to take them off. There were several hours to go before his surgery and it would be extensive, it would last at least 8 hours and although Richard insisted that it was a lot, Miranda's desire was greater, so they also called orthopedics, cardio, oncology and general.

Miranda spent about 2 hours filling out forms and reading papers, she was tired and lay on the sofa in her office, trying to take a two hour nap, set the alarm and slept. The alarm went off, it was 3pm and he went to get ready for his surgery.

Miranda went to wash and Callie and John were washing.
-Until you got there, did you sleep?- Callie asked.
-I slept a couple of hours, I was tired and this surgery will be long- Miranda clarified and Callie nodded.
-Excited to be back in the game?- John asked, glad that Miranda was healed and back.
-I'm excited, I hope everything goes well-
-Everything will be fine- they both exclaimed.

They finished washing and entered with their hands up, the nurses put their aprons and gloves on and positioned themselves, Miranda got on the bench and next to her were Richard and Maggie, who played fundamental roles in the surgery.
-Everything ready?- Miranda said to the anesthesiologist, until she looked up and her eyes widened when she realized that the anesthesiologist was Ben.
Ben looked up and saw Miranda, his heart stopped, he hadn't seen her in a two week and now she was here, in front of him, about to operate like old times.
-All set- Ben replied, then lowered his eyes and continued with his crossword.

-Let's get started- Richard said, opening the patient and Miranda focused all her attention on that.
While they were operating Ben kept looking at Miranda, John and Richard noticed that it made her uncomfortable and before John spoke anything, Richard did.
-You returned to the game Bailey, how do you feel when you return to the operating room after so long? - Richard asked smiling, he was happy that he was okay.
-I feel good sir, incredibly good- Miranda said operating the patient, Ben continued with his crossword but listened to everything carefully.
-Maybe I never would have gotten out of surgery if I didn't pretend to be IMMORTAL- John said with emphasis on his last word and Miranda laughed.
-Please get over it, I didn't die, I'm alive in front of your eyes- Miranda scoffed and everyone was confused.

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