Chapter 24

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After receiving authorization from Ben's family to operate on her mother, Miranda entered the operating room with her hands up and climbed on her stool, George was on her side and Olivia and Meredith on the other, they knew that the bleeding had It was huge there and they would need help to find the origin.
-This hemorrhage is huge, when I cut a lot of blood will come out and I will need you to do all the suction possible until I find the origin- Miranda said, referring to George and Meredith, who had the suction.

-Okay ...-Miranda said, she took a couple of cuts and opened the abdomen, and as expected a lot of blood came out.
-GASES, SUCTION! - Miranda called constantly.
-I need to know the origin- Miranda murmured.
-Administer coagulants- Miranda said, after a few minutes of sucking and drying the blood from the gauze, so much blood had stopped coming out and Miranda was able to look for the origin again.
-Check pupils- Miranda told the anesthesiologist.
-The same and reactive- said the anesthesiologist and Miranda sighed.

Ben's family did not know that Miranda was Julia's surgeon, they did not even know that she was in the hospital, Ben hid from his family saying that he was going to the bathroom, he looked on the board for his mother's surgery and hid behind other doctors in the gallery watching the love of his life operating on his mother.

-Okay, I'll check the liver, check the other organs- Miranda said, a little scared.
Meredith, George and Olivia looked for injuries in the other organs but there was nothing, they were just out of place but that would be corrected with the days, it would not have to take long, Miranda looked in the liver and there was a lesion in the epatic vein, the repaired with stitches but the bleeding continued.
-There's another hemorrhage, it's still bleeding- Miranda said, checking the organs carefully.
-Dr. Bailey, did you check your abdominal aorta?- Meredith said and Miranda opened her eyes.
-Oh god- Miranda said, when suddenly her vital signs dropped.
-Suffer an attack !- Miranda shouted, Ben's heart almost stopped, they filled the patient with gauze to prevent more bleeding, covered her and loaded the pallets.

-To one side!- Miranda exclaimed, there was no answer.
-Load 150, aside!- He said again, there was no response.
-DAMN, LOAD 200, ASIDE- Miranda yelled, she waited a few seconds and her heart began to beat.
-Pupils- Miranda asked, the anesthesiologist examined them and sighed, giving a slight smile.
-Same and reactive, she seems fine- said the anesthesiologist confidently.

Miranda and everyone in the room breathed a sigh of relief, Miranda separated her hands from the body, threw her head back, let out a big sigh and a tear rolled down her cheek, she was relieved that he had not died, she did not know what to do if that would have happened, he felt his heart almost stop when he saw that he suffered two strikes since he arrived and he knew that he could never forgive himself if Julia had died. Ben saw what Miranda did after confirming that his mother was fine and felt bad, he knew that it was being difficult for her to be in that situation, operating on someone you love is not good, Ben had done it and did not wish it to her. Nobody felt bad for her but she was happy that it was Miranda who cared for her mother, there could not have been a better doctor than her to do it.

A few hours later, Julia was in recovery, Miranda repaired her abdominal aorta with Meredith, there were no more bleeding and Olivia repaired the bones of her leg and arm with George, she was stable, her brain was fine and they were able to leave all her organs in his place after repairing them, he was going to recover.

Meredith and Olivia decided to stay in the patient's room to control her, since she was still delicate and Miranda and George went to Richard's office to talk with their relatives, Richard took them there and comforted them since he knew Ben and I didn't want something so delicate to be passed around the hospital by word of mouth. Miranda was very nervous, she was so nervous that she was becoming stupid, I had not seen Ben's family for years and this was not the best circumstance for them to meet again, but that's how it happened and Miranda would have to go there to restore hope to everyone .

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