Chapter 14

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sorry for the misspellings, just enjoy the story :)💘


-And you are the bitch that sleeps with my husband? - the woman said pointing at both of them.

Miranda's world fell at that moment, she could not speak anything, she felt sad, betrayed, cheated, angry, she had a mixture of negative feelings that she did not know if she could control so long. She felt silly for thinking that someone would love her some day, she felt silly for believing that Ben was different from her ex-boyfriend who did practically the same thing Ben is doing to her, she cheated on her for almost 6 months pretending to be single Miranda started to think, was this just an adventure for him? Did he ever take her seriously? Questions roamed his mind.

Miranda looked Ben in the eyes with a look of sadness and disappointment as tears accumulated in her eyes, Miranda released her hand from his, turned and left. Ben was about to go after her but first he turned to the woman who had ruined his life and looked into her eyes.
-Don't come near me again, and sign those damn papers!- Ben said forcefully and then went after Miranda.

-Miranda, Miranda please wait for me- said Ben trying to grab her arm but she let it go, she was crying down the hall until she ran into Callie.
Callie saw the scene and knew she would have to talk to her.
-Dr Bailey, I need to solve a case with you- Callie said, beckoning her eyes, took her by the arm and led her to the headline room at the end of the hall.

They walked in, Callie saw Miranda sobbing and hugged her.
-You want to tell me what's wrong? - Callie asked, Miranda broke away, wiped her tears and sighed
-Ben ... Ben is married, to another woman- Miranda said slowly and felt like she would cry again, but she held on. Callie heard that and her eyes widened.
-What?- Callie asked totally surprised and feeling her anger build.
-Yes, and I think I'll accept the position they offered me, I can't stay here any longer- Miranda said, about to cry again.
-Hey, no, don't cry, if Ben did that it's because he didn't deserve you or maybe something had happened that has nothing to do with you, don't get like that, you are young and beautiful and you will find someone who loves you for who you are- Callie said hugging Miranda again, who kept crying in her embrace.

Miranda spent the rest of the day avoiding Ben, if she crossed paths with him she would immediately hide, and although Ben spent all day looking for her he did not find her.
Miranda called the hospital and accepted the position, later she decided to speak with Richard to present her resignation and explain the reason for that decision. Miranda went to Richard's office with Callie, she waited for her outside in case Ben decided to go in and Miranda knocked on the door.
-Come in!- Richard yelled and Miranda entered.
-Boss- Miranda said shyly, her eyes red from crying.
-Bailey!- Richard said happily, he was very fond of Miranda and considered her as his daughter.
-Bailey, what's wrong?- Richard asked when he saw her eyes were red.
-Sir, I have come to present my resignation- said Miranda, Richard's eyes widened when he heard that, he never thought that Miranda would leave Gray Sloan, but she was, she was trying that.
-Are you leaving the hospital, Bailey?- Richard said, standing up.
-Yes sir, I was offered to be the chief of surgery at another hospital and I accepted the position a few hours ago, I start in two days- Miranda said, unable to look Richard in the eye.
-Is that just why you're leaving?- Richard asked, knowing there was something else as Miranda had evidently been crying.

-Mghm, no sir, me and Dr. Warren are not on good terms, and for the sake of my patients and mine, I will not be able to be here working with him- Miranda said and Richard was surprised again.
-Because they finished? If I can ask - said Richard, letting him know that he was not talking to the boss, but to his friend.
-Ben is married to another woman and he kept it from me, so you can imagine I'm not very well- Miranda said and Richard's blood began to boil.
-Married? I fully understand that you don't want to continue here- Richard said, deep down angry, he approached and hugged her.
-That job is a great opportunity and a great triumph in your career, so I hope you take it and give it your best, and maybe in the future you can be the head of this hospital- Richard said and Miranda smiled.
-Thank you sir- Miranda said, they both said goodbye and Miranda left the office.

He walked with Callie to their lockers, Miranda began to gather her things with the help of Callie as they talked, when Ben entered the room, Miranda ignored him and Callie looked at him.
-Go away Warren- Callie snapped.
-I just need to talk to her- Ben said on the verge of crying. Callie looked at Miranda, seeking her approval, Miranda nodded and Callie walked out for a moment.
-What do you want?- Miranda asked angrily without looking at Ben.
-I need ... Why are you gathering your things?- Ben asked confused.
-I resigned, they offered me a better position in another hospital- Miranda said as she continued gathering her things, Ben approached her and stood there with tears in his eyes.
-Please don't go, I need to talk to you, but stay- Ben begged and Miranda looked at him, realizing that he was crying, but with how angry she was, she didn't feel sorry or compassionate at all.

-Then speak up, I don't have all day- Miranda said.
-She ... I asked her for a divorce and she didn't want to give it to me, she cheated on me for months with the one who used to be my best friend, but I wanted to give her a chance to fix everything between us ...- Ben said and Miranda looked at him. eyes.
-"Us"? oh god, you're worse than I thought- Miranda said with a slight laugh.
-No no no, there is no "us" between her and me, I don't love her anymore, I love you Miranda, and I know I should have told you this before starting our relationship ...-
-There is no "relationship" between you and me Benjamin, there hasn't been since I found out that you are MARRIED- Miranda said with a strong tone of voice and Ben sighed. Miranda looked at the ground for a moment and then looked into his eyes curiously.
-What was it for you? Was I a reason for you to take revenge on your wife? An adventure? Was I only sex in your life? - Miranda said and Ben interrupted her.
-No Miranda, you are not all that, you are the woman of my life, I love you- Ben said trying to touch her face but she pulled away.
-If you had told me this before I would have supported you and you know it ...- Miranda said, when suddenly she started laughing and Ben looked at her confused.

-I'm the stupid one here, I'm a fool for believing that someone would love me for who I am, I'm a fool for believing that YOU WERE DIFFERENT FROM THE REST, I am a fool for having entrusted my life to you, that's why I detest myself and you I hate you, because I knew that we were going too fast in our relationship and still I wanted to continue BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, I love you too much, I loved you too fast and that scares me, LOVING YOU SCARES ME BENJAMIN ...- Miranda yelled, even a little surprised that she never said "I love you" to Ben, even though she did love him.
-... and I was just a game for you, you just used me, you took advantage of me and made fun of your wife, WHAT KIND OF PERSON ARE YOU !? - Miranda kept shouting and Ben interrupted her.
-I didn't make fun of you Miranda, everything I feel for you is real, I'm very in love with you, I swear- Ben said crying and Miranda was getting more and more stressed and her desire to hit him was getting bigger.
-I DO NOT BELIEVE YOU AT ALL!! How am I going to believe you after what you did to me? -
-Miranda please forgive me, don't go, I won't be able to resist it- Ben said crying and Miranda started crying.

-I've been through that before, I've been cheated on like that before and you know it, you were there listening to me and telling me that "he didn't deserve me", that you're the one who really loves me. , and you did the same to me, what's next? Make fun of my physique? Was Benjamin so small for you?- Miranda sobbed, Ben knelt down and took her hands, but Miranda avoided looking at him.
-Don't go, please Miranda, I know I hurt you but I can't live without you, I love you, please forgive me- Ben said crying, making Miranda burst into tears. Miranda took him by the face, looked into his eyes, and wiped away his tears with her fingers.
-I can't stay here, I see your wife hanging around the hospital and that reminds me that I'm not with you, I can't and you can't do this to you, I know you can't bear that I'm breaking up with you but I deserve better ... we deserve something better ...- Miranda said crying.
-... you broke me- Miranda cried on the verge of collapse.
-I know it will be difficult but we will learn to live without the other, you will find someone who knows how to understand you and who loves you as I do now ...- Miranda said crying, paused and gave Ben a short and passionate kiss, then he pulled away and released her face.
-... all I know is that right now I hate you too much and I don't want to hurt you, and if you really love me don't look for me again.- Miranda said crying, she let go of Ben's hands and before he reacted she left through the door.

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