Dehradun - Seoul

664 33 3

It's been another day. Looking from her window , she could see the sunset in its pinkish glory . For her the best part of the day was watching the sunset behind the green mountains. She can forget everything then and can just exist in the beauty of the nature. Here she neither have to be anyone's Avu or creator of Srijan. During this moment it would be only her. The real self that is not divided in distinguished parts of the expectations and desires. Here she could only be her.

However , the sun went to sleep and the moon rises from its slumber. She could see someone coming at door and ringing the bell. She didn't wanna move but then she took a deep breath and went downstairs..

Ding .. ding ..ding ..

"coming .. wait for a minute please.." Avantika went to open the door. She was excited and dreaded at the same time. She was afraid what the exact news will be.

"Ms. Avantika Singh. a mail for you. Please sign." The postman smiled tiredly at her. She smiled and thanked the postman."

"Finally. The letter has arrived. I am scared to open it. If I will be accepted good if not then have to do it all over again. " Contemplating to how to deal with it she decided to go with the flow. "

Contents of Letter :

Dear Avantika Singh

Congratulations your application has been accepted into Seoul National University. You will be into Korean Literature major. You are given full scholarship .

Yours Graduate Advisor
Lee Min Ho .

Avantika couldn't believe her eyes. She shouted so loud that her neighbour asked her to be not to loud. She smiled. She went to her room to look at her equipments.

The room theme was lilac. Attached to it was her little studio and her bed was adorned with BT 21 plushies. Walls covered in BTS posters. Shelves covered with BTS albums. She smiled at the two portraits above her bed and cried happily.

"Mom and Dad. I got into SNU. I know you are happy. I wish you were here to celebrate with me but I know you are watching me from above. I could finally be in the city of my BTS. I can finally be a part of you are. I don't want to return here mom. I am going to find a piece of you. I will ask uncle to help me with the move. " She smiled ...

Avantika backstory:

Avantika parents were a successful business man . They died 5 years ago in the car accident and left enough money for her to last a lifetime. Avantika took her share and transferred her business to her Uncle who is taking care of it. She is a rich woman but she still works on her channel and her dreams. She wanted to attend SNU since beginning. She and her mother both were ARMY since BTS debut

Avantika : "Uncle I am going to SNU. I want help with the move of my stuff. I will be there next month ."

Uncle Kim : "Honey you just bring important stuff rest we can purchase here."

Avantika : "I won't be coming back to India uncle. I am planning to get settled in Korea. I have already put the house on sale and will sign the transfer papers before I come. The house is going to be the new branch of the retirement home. Mom and Dad always wanted to retire here so . Please take care of it. "

Uncle Kim : "Avu , you don't have to . It's your Dad house. It's his memories ther.."

Avu : "And I have them in my heart. I don't want their memories to wither but to provide comfort to those . Being here it hurts and reminds me they are not here anymore. I stayed so that I could finish what Dad started but everything is done and I have to work on my dreams now ."

Saying that Avu disconnected the call. She took a last look at her room and started packing. The house needed to be renovated accordingly and she will stay in a hotel till then.

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