Bad Liar

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1 Week Later....

You can now vaguely hear somewhat
bashing and knocking. You could smell the scent of disinfectants. Your head was throbbing with so much pain. You wanted to open your eyes but it was getting difficult for you. It was too much effort.

You felt someone caressing your hair and you relaxed in the touch. It somewhat felt familiar.

You heard a hard slam on the door and then a thud like something broke.

"She should wake up soon. She is showing sign of improvement." Followed by sighs and exhales of different octaves.

You opened your eyes seeing your uncle beside you and six boys encircling one and nagging him.

Yoongi : "Yah you break the door knob. Joon aah?

Joon : "I didn't do it purposefully . It happened by mistake. " Holding the door from one hand door knob in another Joon defended himself

Jin : "At this time also you are joking ."

Jimin : "But hyung broke the door knob and is holding it now so let's name him HODOR. "

Tae : "HODOR"?

Hobi : "Short form for Hold the Door but 'HODOR' haven't you watched Game of Thrones?

JK : "I tried but it was too much for my brain cells to capture. "

Joon : "Guys focus. It's not funny ."

Yoongs : "It really amuses me Namjoona how different ways you find to break things. Stay there. "

You opened your eyes looking towards your uncle and the seven chaotic boys who were your world. You didn't remember why you were here. You just remembered getting home and seeing those comments. After that all was a huge blank. Seeing the bandages you were shocked but seeing their bickering you laughed hoarsely .

Avu : "Well Nothing can be expected from our God of Destruction then to be creative in the way he destroy things. Good god. " You giggled.

Everyone turned towards you at once. Your uncle went to set the door open and ask for the doctor and you were stared by 7 pity and angry boys.

Avu : "Umm Hi. How are you guys ?"

Yoongs : "How do we look kiddo ? Of course we look worse than you left us at the café. You scared us Kiddo. "? He glared at you but came and set by your side huffing.

Avu : "Um Yoongi Oppa . Sorry I had an emergency and I told Jin Oppa. " You defended

Jin : "How are you feeling now ? "

Avu : "I feel fine and have some headache. Did I have an accident. ?" You asked not remembering what happened. It seemed some time was missing

Till then Uncle came with the Doctor.

Doc : "Avantika Shi you are awake now . How are you feeling now? Physically you are a little weak. The injuries will heal but I would recommend complete rest for atleast 2-3 weeks before you resume your daily lifestyle. " He examined you and check.

Avu : "Okay. " You looked at your uncle.."What are you doing here it's must have a minor accident doctor said so. "

Avu : "So tell me which car hit me so bad that you had to call my uncle and how do you know to call my uncle. ?"

Kookie : "IS THIS A BLOODY JOKE TO YOU? YOU DISAPPEARED ON US AND THEN YOU ARE ALL BLOODIED ON YOUR FRONT DOOR. ONE FUCKING TEXT WAS TOO MUCH FOR YOU AND NOW YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO LAUGH AND REPRIMAND US. ?" Kookie slammed the table nearby your bad. He was hurt. He thought he was your friend but you leaving like that just hurt him. Your uncle wanted to speak but didn't say as it wasn't his place to tell.

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