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You came back to Korea and BTS continued with the tour. Everything was going well . Hyunji was excited for their finale concert and she already convinced you to go with her.  Your job at the cafe was going to Mr. Lee and Jeongsan were happy with you and fond of you as well.

You were walking towards your home after the Cafe shift was over and you heard someone following you. You turned around but couldn't find anyone. You started walking again but you again sensed like someone was watching you. You have noticed this from past few months but you made it that you read too many mafia k- dramas and movies and thought it was in your head.  But this time you felt a drop in your stomach as you heard someone breath. You can fight . You know that most of the people don't. You turned around this time with the intention of confronting the person.

Avu : "Hello. Is somebody there? If you have something to say come face to face instead of following like a creep." You raised your voice addressing whoever that was . Nobody responded. You sighed and turned back. Keeping your senses in check.

Suddenly you felt someone moving. You spinned your foot  and kicked him in the face and put him on the floor holding him down .

Avu : "Who are you? Why are you following me ? "

?? : "Let me go I am not here to hurt you.  I am here for your protection. "

Avu : "What the Fuck? Does it look like I need protection ? Tell me who you are or I will call the police . " You held him against you and pressed more hash on his throat

??: " .. explain.. ". He coughed and tapped on your hand.

You stood up and asked him to take of his mask and was shocked . .

Avu : "Vishal ??? What are you doing here and why like this ? "

Vishal : "Hello to you too Avantika. You left without saying goodbye to me. I am calling your uncle. He asked me to be your body guard. "

Avu : "Call him from your phone first . I don't trust you. "

Vishal : "Fair enough ." he ringed your uncle .

Uncle Kim : "Vishal ? What Happened? Is Avantika Okay?

You snatched the phone and talked

Avu : "Yes I am . And why did you put him on the job to spy on me ? How long that has been going on? "

Uncle Kim : "Avu you didn't mean to find out this way. I was doing it to protect you.  It's not safe. "

Avu : "Who I should be safe from ? Those who are being racist because of my skin color ? . Uncle I can handle it . I have been doing fine from past months and I ask for help when I need one. I don't need a bodyguard. Especially not him. "

Uncle Kim : "He is the only one who can protect you Avu."

Avu : "Please listen to me . Come to my place and I am taking this dimwit who got his ass handed to him by me. He can't even fight back . "

At Your Apartment

You got frozen peas for Vishal to put on his bruised throat and black eye that you gave him and for your knuckles. Your uncle was at the other side of the room and you were pissed off. It was invasion of your privacy.

Avu : " Now Explain. Why was I being stalked ? "

Uncle Kim : " Because you are my niece and it's not safe. I cannot leave you alone knowing who you are.  You could have been attacked . "

Avu : "Nobody knows who I am except you and this idiot in Korea. In India I managed to handle everything. He didn't need to be there as well. I am a normal University student and I don't want or need a bodyguard. "

Vishal : "You need one whether you like it or not . I can't see what happened to uncle and aunt happen to you. "

Avu : "IT WAS AN ACCIDENT AND IT WAS MY FAULT. " You yelled and clenched your fist .

Your uncle and Vishal flinched at your outburst as you never raised your voice.

Uncle Kim came and hugged you and you relaxed in his embrace.

Uncle Kim : "Avu even if you don't want it you are someone special and there could be people out there who want to hurt you. However I know you can look after yourself but Vishal is able to keep you safe. "

Avu : "He is no good and I don't need his help . I left everything to you.  You have Hyerin to pass it to . I renounced every claim and you still don't accept it. I don't want it . "

Uncle Kim : "But it is yours and you will have it. I am older than you and I have listened to your every demand Avu but this cannot happen. I am not asking you to reveal yourself but there are people who knows on need to know and they may try . "

Vishal : "I am just trying to keep you safe. "

Avu : "Shut up Vishal. You are not talking to me. " You glared at him

Then you looked at your uncle

Avu : "If you love me you will leave me alone . I promise to ask for help when I see trouble but I don't want any bodyguards or stalkers around. Are we clear ? " You had fire in your eyes. You were mad real mad

Uncle Kim : "Okay . But if something happens you will ring Vishal first hand . "

You nodded.

Avu : "Both of you can leave now and Uncle I sent gifts I brought from Paris to the house. I hope you like it. "

You hugged your uncle.

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