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Jungkook came next day and he didn't found you. You left leaving everything but a letter to him.

Letter :

Dear Kookie ,

I know you love me.  More than a best friend does and I know it seems like I am abandoning you but trust me we will meet if fate is there. Butterfly 🦋 has to grow up without his father and uncles because I can't get hurt anymore. I am taking her and me away from you . I hope you find the one you love . I am going somewhere that no one can find me .I love you Kookie. I wish I could be in love with you but I cannot be. It's not in my DNA I guess..I need time to heal. Don't look for me you won't be able to find me.

Yours Avu...

Jungkook cried holding the letter and then BTS came and there was one for everyone .

Letter of Jin

Dear Jin Oppa

I hope you forgive your donseang. I am glad you found love. I know you will treat her right . I will miss cooking with you, playing Mario cart with you. Please don't blame yourself and take care of others. It was all meant to be.

Your donseang

Letter to Yoongi ;

Dear Oppa,
Thank you for being an elder brother and supporting me even though from the sidelines. You may not find me but your music is always with me in my heart . If time is grateful we might cross paths again.

Little One

Letter to Tae Bear

Hey Tae Bear

I didn't know you and Hyunji would hit off . You are a great couple . I bet she would love to have 5 kids with you and Tannie will be happy with her I bet. I will miss your hugs where I cannot breathe .


Hey Jimin Oppa

Well I want to say you are the sexiest man alive .If my IQ was a little low I would have loved you. Just joking. You are an angel and beautiful soul. Just don't think of me as a tiny anymore.


Letter to Hobi

Dear Sunshine

You took me and Namjoon secret for so long. You supported us . You and Jiwon are still my family but I understand why you had to choose. Don't let BTS loose it's sunshine..You are the best dance teacher I could have ever had.


Letter to Namjoon

Dear Joonie,

I hope you can forgive me for what I am doing. I am taking your child away from you and I know I have no right but I couldn't do this with you Joonie. I love you so much it hurts.  Everything hurts me and I can't be the best person to be around you and neither you are with me. I need time. We can't be together and you should move on. Butterfly will come to you when the time is right . I still love you Joonie how stupid it sounds I never stopped loving you. But you hurt me Joonie and you broke me. Your love consumes me.

I still cant get past all the things you said and did to me and I am not able to be a bigger person and let that go not so soon and I can't loose Butterfly too. I love you

I know we all were trapped into the web of lies made by vicious souls but still I wanted you to believe in me . You didn't and you hurt me in all the ways you can find . But still I forgive you but I am not able to forget not yet. If  we are meant to be we will find way to each other. Stay happy Joonie.

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