Zero O Clock

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You looked at Jungkook standing outside with a tub of Mint chocolate ice-cream, donuts and Marvel movies DVDs in one hand and in Other a big RJ plushie with his bunny smile .

You looked at him and he saw your puffed face and red eyes . He knew things aren't better and he came here to cheer you up.

You looked at him and was shocked. Seoul to Busan was a 6 hour drive and when you left you didn't think he will follow you. It was 3 in the morning obviously.

Avu : "What are you doing here and what is all this ? "

Jungkook : "Can I  not come in? I have been driving for hours. " He said coming inside .

Avu : "Ofcourse you can Kookie. I am asking why are you here 3 in the morning. You should be sleeping and preparing for comeback or concert or whatever. "

Jungkook : "Well comeback is in February and it's November. We already shot the video. Wait a minute.  Were you crying? "

Avu : "No I wasn't. "You took the donut and went to the closet getting him a T shirt and shorts. As it was JungKook's apartments he purchased. 

Avu : "What did you tell them ? "

JK : "That I am visiting my family and don't change the subject why were you crying? I know Rap Mon Hyung hurt you and he is stupid to believe nonsense but you shouldn't lie to me . I told you I am here. "

Avu ; "And I told you I don't want to ruin BTS. "

JK : "Avu .. what happened ? "

Avu : "Don't call me that name.  " You turned around taking the RJ plushie and looking at the Bonsai plant .

Jungkook came behind you and back hugged you. You broke down.

Avu : "I..I .. thought... He loved me Kookie and I thought he was going to explain and apologize or I had hope.  You cried .

"I wanted to tell him about Butterfly 🦋 and everything that followed and he called me a two faced Bitch and a slut. He said I have been sleeping around when he was away and I never loved him. ". You broke down in his arms wailing .

Jungkook : "Shhh Shhhh . That man is an idiot he has an IQ but Hyung is complete idiot. He is overwhelmed about everything. "

Avu : "Of course you will defend him , he is your role model.."

Jungkook : "What ??? Noo... I am your best friend Avu and Namjoon Hyung isn't a role model when it comes to you. " He turned you around to face him . He cupped your face and made you face him .

Jungkook : "You are not a slut. He is an idiot and he doesn't deserve you. Butterfly 🦋 doesn't deserve him either. "

Avu : " You think so ? " You looked at him

Jungkook : "I know so . Now let's get you to bed. Jin Hyung even gave his RJ for you. "

Avu : "They can't know Jungkook. "

Jungkook : "They won't now let's have some deserts. "

He rested on the headboard of the bed and you sat down beside him.  He played Iron Man and you watched it while playing dialogues . He kept checking up on you with medicines and everything. You were sore so you rubbed your neck..

Jungkook : "Okay we should sleep now . I will take the spare room. " You nodded

You tried closing your eyes but started taking deep sighs as tears rolled down. You were crumbling again and shivering. 

Jungkook came and sat beside you holding you . You snuggled in his chest

Avu : "I am scared Kookie. I still love him and I miss him I am so stupid.  "

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