Pani Da Rang ( Color of Water)

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The breakfast was ready and the Bangtan Boys came.  Namjoon was still behaving abnormally. He apologized to you and rest started teasing him.

Tae : "Hyung we didn't expect that from our leader like really "

Namjoon : "I forgot she was here . "

Hobi : "What's in breakfast?"

Avu : "It's Pancakes. "

Jin : "Avu and I made them . "

JK : "Oh my God Pancakes. I love them . "

Avu : "I know Kook. " You ruffled his hair .

JK : "oh not my hair Avu . Show respect . "

Jimin : "Who is gonna wake Yoongi Hyung. ?"

Avu : "I will go.."

Namjoon : "Avu you don't wanna go through verbal abuse Yoongi Hyung does when he wakes up. .only Jin Hyung can handle him ."

Avu : " Come on Mr. Dimples . I am his donseang. He won't use anything on me. " You cooed. Still avoiding RM eyes how you ogled him

Jin : "Avu aah . Let me go. He is like a monster in the morning. "

Avu : "Trust me Jin Oppa. I will make him come. "

You chirped and knocked on Yoongi door.  Thrice

Yoongi mumbling his eyes .'Aish who the hell is disturbing me I will tear them today' he opened the door seeing you

Avu : "Good Morning Oppa. I made Pancakes for you. Please get ready and eat with us. "

Yoongi saw your smile and he melted. After knowing what you went through its like he can't say no to you. You became like a little sister to him in just a short time.

Yoongi : "Arasso . Give me 10 mins . " He patted your hair .

You walked silently back to the kitchen with your face down.

Jin : "Did he say something to you. I will scold him.  How dare he made my donseang sad. ?"

Namjoon : "I told you so ." He smiled sadly

Hobi : "Don't worry Avu aah. He is good it's just he doesn't like when he gets disturb in his sleep.."

JK : "Hey don't be sad we will play Overwatch.."

Tae and Jimin : "Yaah Avu . Don't be in a bad mood . Lets eat . Hyung will come around.

Yoongi : "Where are my pancakes ? "

Everyone turned around and were surprised Yoongi coming out .

Yoongi came with a gummy smile and Abu started laughing at everybody's shocked faces high fiving Yoongi.

Avu : "I told you so . " she looked at Namjoon and rolled her eyes. .

Jin : "Today's day should be marked in history. "

All : "Indeed ."

Yoongi : "Shut up guys . Eat your pancakes"

You all had your breakfast and you were chilling in lounge. Jimin and JK were beside you. Tae and Joon were cleaning up the kitchen.  Hobi , Jin and Yoongi were sprawled on the Couch and you were watching their videos as they were explaining their era . Like you Weren't and ARMY

'BTS showing me their MVs. How am I supposed to react and so lucky. This leader is again staring at me..I mean really.

Then your phone rang .

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