Fly To My Room

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Among all the bickerings you didn't realise that you reached the gate of the society. Your uncle with Sejin already settled new things in one of Bangtan spare rooms. As he didn't have the key to your room and he knew you wouldn't want anyone to enter there. Sejin understood that you were loaded.  You came out of the car with Jungkook helping you out .  Behind you others came out. You were better than before .

Avu : "Thanks Kookie. Can you drop me in front of my apartment. I have to get a few things. "You asked

JK : "I will get it. Although everything is settled in our apartment of yours. Your uncle and Sejin Hyung took care of it. "

You contemplated there for a minute as you needed to visit your room. As per you the boys knew you were pressurized because of academics and your mom funeral only. They didn't knew about whole Enhypen incident and you were sure they couldn't figure it out that you and Srijan are the same person but you did work on your assignments and your laptop was in your room. You were already late on submission and you will miss classes for another few weeks. You can't let anyone see your room otherwise they will know you are an ARMY and you didn't want that . It was your secret and yours only.

Avu : " Kookie I have something to get . You won't find it just drop me in front of my apartment. " You firmly stated and he nodded . Rest of the boys looked at you.

Avu : "I just have to get my laptop , all my assignments are there I will be there in a moment."

The Hyung line looked at each other and eyed JK like asking him to not leave you alone .

Avu : "Let's go Kookie

JK : "Alright "

You reached your front door . You unlocked it . Living room was better now things have been cleared out. As per you Bangtan believed that the music equipments are for your cousin you kept . You didn't look towards it. You took out your key and turned to Jungkook. I will be out in a minute and you turned to close the apartment door and he kept his foot there so you could

Avu : "Kookie"

JK : "Last time you opened that door I found you bleeding and tattered . I will stay here get your things I won't interfere your privacy. " He said firmly concerned. You remember him yelling at you and you knew you put him through a lot as he was a good friend of yours..

Avu : "I am sorry I have hurt you Kookie. I promise I won't do it again. Stay here. I will be gone for a minute okay. "

He nodded

You entered your room and looked at pictures of your mom and dad.  You can't take it with you till you are with the boys . It won't take long for them to figure you out. You looked in the drawer of all the BTS albums you have kept . You took out your laptop and charger . You needed a new phone as per Jin your phone was smashed already.  You wrote another letter to your mom stating everything and apologizing inserting it in one of the photo albums of her.

This is what you always do .


Dear  Mom and Dad,
I know you are upset with me.  I let those things get to me but you will be excited that I get to stay with BTS for a month. I don't know if I should be squealing or dreading as I am living dream of every ARMY out there. You are jealous too Mom aren't you.  Dad is annoyed right . Don't worry mam once I come back here I will tell you everything. I love you mom and dad. I am sorry that we aren't together. One day we all will be mom. I miss you.  I love you. I purple you. BTS are good in person too mom. You should watch over them too from now on . I want you and dad to watch over them too.  They are angels mom. JK  is my friend , Jin is like an older brother , Taehyung is still a baby and Jimin is such a flirt his V lives doesn't do justice. J Hope is Sunshine and Yoongi Hyung is just like a grumpy Grandpa. However the leader I found creepy I mean . He seems different . I don't wanna bore you. JK is at door and I think he won't show any patience after my last stunt. Just wait for me mom.

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