Chapter 3: The Welcome Committee

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I woke up in a room. No, not some weird cell. Surprising. This room had a bed (which I was laying on) and had a rug and a mirror. Ew. I haven't seen myself in so long.

 Being under ground mirrors were not considered a necessity which I think otherwise. I rolled slowly out of the bed and came to the mirror.

 The right side of my head was so swollen my cheeks and chin had dark purple and blue bruises. A small cut was slanted away from my eye but so close that one more inch and I might have been down an eye. There were stitches on the wound. 

A healer came by? Wasn't I the prisoner? In all the books I read about prisoners was that they had a miserable cell. 

 This room was my entire room which I had to share with seven girls, not fun, and so many of them were built like bears. I look like a gummy bear next to them. Oh to eat a gummy bear. I haven't had one since my sixth birthday.

 Yeah that's the worst gift ever you are probably thinking but that was the best thing I had ever tasted. I only had three and Everett had three. I shared. Yes, I am nice like that thank you for noticing.

 However, I sucker punched him when he tried to steal my mash potatoes at dinner like two nights ago. Eh he'll get over it. Survival of the fittest am I right? That guy never stops eating. I wonder how he is doing.

GOD! Merrick! How was he holding up? Is he getting the same treatment as me or was he getting the cell and prisoner experience? The door suddenly opened and I jumped three feet off the ground. Her eyes widened. "I am here to bring your clothes for dinner, miss." She dipped her head like I was the queen or something. 

Hehe wouldn't that be nice.

 She dropped the clothes on my bed and told me to ring the bell next to it when I was ready for her to help me with my hair. The woman led me through turning every now and then. My mouth dropped open. We had to cross a class walkway. 

It had a railing but my gosh was it impressive and nerve racking. We walked across and me and her entered this weird box. She pressed a button and up we went with a jolt. I held on to the little railings inside the box and she just chuckled watching my curiosity at its highest.

The doors slid open and we entered a large room that could fit at least one hundred people. Ryder stood at the very end of the long table taking up the room. Merrick was already there and I quickly hugged him and took a seat. Ryder sat last. 

He gave me a wide smile. Not right in the head you know what I mean. First, the man kidnaps me and my brother and next he gives me a heartfelt welcome with fancy food and a large ass table? Nice try but that isn't how I work. HAM! THEY HAD HAM! Composure I thought. Then with one quick snap I grab the whole ham. 

Ryder and Merrick's eyes went wide. I hovered over my food. One thing I learned underground was that little kids and anyone who saw this kind of food would kill for it.

After a while of eating. For two hours we had been there and I was still eating. My brother ate a light salad. Ryder had a steak and a glass of something that looked like piss. I assumed it was whiskey. "Now that you both have been fully nourished," Ryder said, still looking at me as if that fact could change in any second. 

"I have decided to be kind and offer you an easy way of living. Consider this me being merciful. You will tell me the information surrounding the worms you call friends and their little hole in the ground and in return I will let you live here and continue to eat like you have tonight." He took a sip of his whiskey with one hand and the other tapping the table. Not a man of patience I guess.

Before I could even think I heard my saying two words. "Piss off."His eyes quickly formed a glare. Shit I really screwed myself over now. Merrick took hold of my wrist and gently shook his head no. I looked at him this time I was glaring, but at my brother. "What would you like to know?" 

Merrick looked at Ryder now who had a smirk on his face. Well that was easy he was probably thinking. Haha yeah no. "WHAT THE HELL MERRICK! YOU CAN'T SELL THEM OUT LIKE THAT! THEY ARE OUR FAMILY!! THEY HAVE DONE EVERYTHING FOR US SO WE COULD SURVIVE!! THAT EASY?! YOU'D SELL THEM OUT THAT EASILY!"I was standing and my chair was on the floor right behind me. I couldn't believe he would just so easily call them family and then in the same move he could rat them out like he was talking about the weather with this evil man.

 No matter, the rebels have been preparing for a fight and Everett has probably warned them. Unless he didn't make it in time and the doors shut. Oh God! What happens if the doors were shut!

I snapped back to what was happening as Ryder stood from his chair. Immediately people came over to him as if he had another complaint to give them or another order. There was no doubt he was in charge. He looked at me and in that moment I felt a spark. I knew what his powers were. It was like I could feel the power he had rushed around him. 

He was a super. Then why would he be helping the establishment? They want to get rid of people like us and him. He didn't just have one power though. He had multiple. I sensed strength and speed. "What are your powers?" I looked at him and his eyes glowed with a new look but his face stayed the same, emotionless.

"I have apathy, empathy, strength, speed, and telekinesis." He looked as if it was nothing. That none of those powers were crazy and amazing. I wish I had powers and him having multiple just infuriated me. Not only was he hot and had multiple powers but he was on the bad guys team meaning they had all that hot stuff and he would be willing to kill any supers.

 "Don't you care? They are killing others like you!WHY WOULD YOU HURT PEOPLE WHO HAVE ABILITIES LIKE YOU!" I hit my fist against the table and it broke. The whole table. 

My mouth went into an 'O' shape as my brother backed away from the broken table and examined my hand. I was in one piece and broke a huge ass table which like 20 of me could have laid down and taken a nap on. Ryder looked at me then to Merrick.

"It seems you have super strength. Do not ask me who and why I align myself with them. That is none of your concern. You are filthy and reckless. You have no clue who I am and what I am capable of. Your puny friends and your puny 'family' will soon wish they had died when we all thought them extinct." He said he was way closer to me than when he began his little monologue. His head and my head were almost touching and I could feel his hot breath on my face. Dang was he hot. 

I tried to shove him away from me but he barely moved. I punched his face next and felt something pop not his face but something in my hand. I yelped in pain and he threw his hand through his hair just looking at me. "I didn't think you were stupid but I guess I was wrong. If you can not act like a decent human being since you have been raised as an animal then you will be treated as such." He hissed at me.

He ran his hand threw his hair again as if he was trying to calm himself down but it wasn't working he still looked like he was going to snap my head open like an Easter egg.

Suddenly he grabbed me and began to drag me. I barely was able to walk and keep up with him. I kept hitting him over and over but he wouldn't budge his hand was going to leave a bruise the size of a baseball on my arm. 

He chucked me in a cell. Damn. That's cold. 

He shut the glass door and inside was a metal cot and a little toilet that was it. He left without a word as I cussed him out. He stopped when he got to the door. "You can't just leave me here!" Don't think for one second that they actually care about you! They'll just kill you the second after they kill me!" I screamed and it felt like my throat was on fire.

 He looked at me with confusion on his face as if he didn't understand what I was saying "Trust me darling, this is only the beginning," he said and then left.

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