Chapter 30: Taking Action

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2 months later:

By the next morning they surrendered to us. In two months we moved into the establishment's old quarters. Everything changed. Everett was watching over Imelda now that they were expecting. They could finally have the family they wanted and it was growing now. Ryder and I got married, again. We watched all the tapes. I came across a video of Merrick and me. We were younger and one of the experiments was at the establishment's base. He gave me away the first time I got married to Ryder. Everett gave me away this time.

Everything was falling in according to plan. I couldn't have been happier. When I woke up I was in a weird room. It had white walls and I was on a table. I shook at the bands and then I saw them. Everett, Max, Imelda, Ryder, Gwen, and the commander. I killed the commander though. His eyes opened and he unstrapped himself from the machine. Only he had straps that could be undone. I started jolting and tried to remove mine but they wouldn't budge.

He had a dark chuckle. "Well done. You've completed the simulation."

Oh shit.

The End

Thank you all to those who read I hoped you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it! :)

-Nova Briar <3

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