Chapter 24(Harlow's POV): What Can We Do?

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Everything felt different. New. I woke up in Ryder's arms. He was a deep sleeper. He looked so peaceful. How could their father hurt them so bad? How could he think that was okay? Looking at him right now you wouldn't think he had a bad life or even a hard one. I knew that wasn't true though.

He opened his eyes and looked at me. He smirked. "I see you are a light sleeper," he said. "And I see you are not," I said. He actually laughed. It was deep and strong. He could probably shake mountains with his beautiful laugh.

We made our way to the cafeteria hand in hand. We needed to meet up with Imelda and Everett. Max came running towards us and gave both of us a big hug.

"I missed you guys! They said a new person came back last night. So you guys were successful, right?" Max looked like he didn't get any sleep. I knelt down so I could be at eye level with him.

"Everything went as well as it could." I smiled at him and ran my hand through his messy curls.

He took my free hand and led me and Ryder to our new table. Imelda was leaning into Everett's side and he held her close.

"Hey happy campers waking up late I see." He waggled his eyebrows.

Oh God. I put my hands to my face.

"That obvious?" I looked through my hands to see his face. He was laughing so hard Imelda shook next to him. She was smirking. Max looked confused but then he too smiled.

Ryder kept his head down but I could see his crimson red cheeks.

"So what's our plan? How do we kill daddy dearest?" Everett looked at Imelda then at Ryder.

"He has a huge army and mutts. The army isn't really for the establishment and they are just doing what they are told so it won't come to their families being punished for their disobedience. I think we can hack our way into their mainframe and we can get our message to them," Ryder said.

"Sounds like a good plan. What happens if they don't agree to help us?" Everett looked a little nervous about this whole idea. Imelda looked at all of us. "Listen I know I am sort of new to this group but I think I know how to help. See, our father will want me and Ryder to come back to him. At this point he just wants to butcher us. He left to go speak with the council a day before yesterday. This means we can send the message today to the sector and then he will try tot turn his plane around but it will take him maybe 2 days at most to come back meaning if we are to attack its best we do it before he reaches the council. If he does reach them that means that they will use the rest of their sectors to fight against one of ours. We need to catch him when he is so angry he will not rely on the rest of the council. Today we need to get the message out there."

Imelda looked at us all and then someone behind me and Ryder. Nathaniel. "Very well. We can do that. I will send the message," Nathaniel said.

"With all do respect. The commander will want to see the five of us giving this message, not you Rebel leader." Imelda stood to speak with him.

I looked around and all eyes were on Imelda and Nathaniel.

"Harlow can give the speech but me and my brother must be behind her in the video along with Everett. We were his guinea pigs. He will be enraged if he sees we have come out of his little experiment."Imelda had a hand on Everett's shoulder. It must be hard for her to stand up right now. She had wraps all along her right arm and from what I could tell her whole stomach was wrapped.

"Fine. You all will give the speech tonight. We will prepare our army for the fight." Nathaniel shook Imelda's hand and she sat down in a harsh thump.

I was going to give the speech. On the outside I looked calm and ready.

How was I feeling on the inside you might ask?


The whole table looked at me. Ryder placed his hand on the small of my back and I took a deep shaky breath.

I'm going to need some flashcards.

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