Chapter 18 (Harlow's POV): No Shit Sherlock*Major Plot Twist*

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Hello This Chapter is Especially long due to some major plot twists. Hope you enjoy and thank you for reading :) -Nova

The line went silent. Ryder looked pissed.

"Who's the Dark Assassin?" Max looked worried.

"Someone deadly. She can't succeed unless we find the hard drive." Ryder knew I had it but he wasn't willing to rat me out. They all knew but none of them knew the other's knew.

"I have it. I've tried to use it and open the thing on it but it won't work." I pulled it out of my pocket and all eyes went on the small rectangle.

Max looked at me then the hard drive. "This requires a different computer system and requires a little bit of hacking to access the insides if it's so important they will have put firewalls on it." Max took the hard drive and we all followed him out of the room and into the resources sector of the rebel base.

"I know someone who has hacking intuition. Meaning they can hack it easily and bring down the firewalls."

Max walked over to a girl. It was Susan. The one who kept hitting on poor Everett. Yikes.

Everett went rigid and slowly moved to the back of the group trying to use me as a shield.

My 5'6 stick figure body made his 6'4 foot ass look like a chubby kid hiding behind a pole. It was useless.

"Hey dude just a reminder you have the power of invisibility." I looked at him. "Oh shit. You're right."

He gave me a stupid grin and then I was looking through him. He was still there but I couldn't tell due to how close he was.

"Hey Su. Can you help me and my group?" Max put on his puppy dog eyes and Su looked for Everett who was standing right next to me and Ryder. Su's eyes went straight to Ryder and she shivered.

"Sure Max. Say, do you know where Everett is?" She looked around the room. I felt sorry for this gal. She was desperate. Everyone knew Su wasn't exactly the most clean girl on the base and that she has found her way in many rooms sometimes with more than one guy or girl. Everett wasn't that kind of guy.

She began doing her work and in less than thirty minutes she was able to get past the second fire wall. It was not like the movies where they could just type some random shit and all of a sudden they were in. Even though her power was hacker intuition it didn't mean that it could be done in a snap. Another thirty minutes and she had all five firewalls down.

She had it plugged into the prompter and left us to it. It had a play button. As if we were watching a movie.

Imelda's face came on the screen. Her face had mascara running from her face and red alarms were going crazy. Men were banging on the door and screaming. Ryder went rigid. I held his hand and he squeezed it.

"Listen I do-don't have a lot of ti-time. They've lied to us. We were separated and they lied and brainwashed us. Everett please if you can hear me please please come help me please save me. Ryder, they've taken you and know they have come for me. Harlow please please save my Our father ha...has messed with his mind pl...pleas..please. I only have a little bit of time. We all have been put in this sim. They have tried this six times and each time one of us has broken out and seen the pattern." Guns were now shooting at the door and her tears only started to pour down her face faster. "Our father has played with our minds; he has been using us and has been trying to find a way to control the rest of society. We were his guinea pigs. They are going to come in here and take me. They might kill me or reprogram me by wiping my memory of this life. I am currently 16 and married. Please Everett please me. We always promised we would find our way back to one another." Dark shadows surrounded her. She was manipulating the darkness but couldn't get out of the room. Her powers were too weak.

On this hard drive is all the times we have been brainwashed. Each time they tested us. We had different jobs where we were put through different sims playing different people. We always ended up together. Ryder and Harlow always found one another. All the times they've hurt us is on this hard drive. We thought we were safe but they recorded everything. When we were together, when we thought we were alone, when we married, everything. They were watching it all. We were never safe, not at the base. If you are seeing this please please help the others ple...please," The door burst open and the soldiers took her.

The commander stood over her body and his hand grabbed her throat. He was choking her and she went limp. Rordan came over to the computer and shut off the video.

Everyone was left speechless. 

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