Chapter 17(Imelda's POV): Father Dearest

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Father stormed into my room. I barely stood up from recovering from the last blows he gave me after dinner.

His anger for not getting the drive only grew as the days continued on. Ryder was gone and he realized he had abandoned the establishment and council and ran to the opposing side. I was punished for this. Why? Because he had no one else.

He left and my body was on the floor doubled over. I couldn't feel my face and my bruises only grew in size on my ribs. I crawled to the tub and turned the faucet on. When I hopped in my blood filled the tub turning it a murky dark pink color. When I hopped out and looked at my body in the mirror I could only see what I had become. A monster. A disgrace. Ugly. Pathetic.

My curves were less prominent and I was being slowly starved. Another punishment he thought would help "shape" me into becoming a more obedient daughter.

Then I heard it. A small shout which could have been inside my head. Maybe my father kicked me so hard that I started to hear voices.

Ryder? The communicator hidden under my pillow. I pulled it out. I cried. It was made to be seen as weak but suppressing the tears felt worse than letting them out. It reminded me I was human, not just some monster used for torturing.

"Hello brother," I said. I wished I sounded more strong but it came out hoarse. My throat burnt from the tears building up.

"Imelda? Are you alright? What's happened to you?" Ryder's voice was strong. He was safe.

"You know what happened." I took a deep breath and sighed. "Dad beat the shit out of me."I whispered the last part out. I could only feel my ribs throbbing from the pain.

I wasn't allowed medication because if you needed help from pills you were considered weak in my father's eyes.

"He's planning an attack, brother. You don't have much time and the council wants to blow up your little family in the hole. They are planning to hit soon." I didn't know how many days but my warning made the line go silent.

"Sister, do you think the Dark Assassin will make an appearance? I need her to meet me at the square in the city. Tomorrow. Will she make it?"

I was the Dark Assassin. I controlled fears and the darkness made me something to be feared. The costume only made people panic more. I wore a black metal mask, a hood with a small cape, and an all out black combat suit which allowed me full flexibility and stretch. Followed up with two eight inch sikh kirpans.

"Yes. Be prepared at 2200(10 pm). Some establishment soldiers could try to pull something."I looked at my suit. It normally made me feel invincible but I was at my full strength when I used it. I didn't know if it could support me enough with my bruised ribs and broken nose.

"Of course sister. Till death greets us." Ryder waited for me to finish the last part.

"Till we blink last." I mustered out. The call ended. 

What the hell was I getting myself into.

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