Chapter 12: We Have been Awaiting Your Arrival

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 I woke up on a cot. Familiar. It was an infirmary cot. They only used these when you were injured. Let's just say I am not the most graceful person. I don't remember much, just Ryder driving us to the rebel base. How did he know where it was? Merrick probably. 

Everett and Max were there. "MAX! Give her some room, she just woke up you little rascal." Everett looked like he could run a 5k. Max looked tired. His powers must have increased since the last time we were in training. Which was probably three weeks ago. He didn't want to train with anyone anymore and kind of went off on his own. "Merricks dead isn't he,"Max said. He looked down at his shoes. Too soon. Everett hit him upside the head. "Dude you can't just say that. Give the girl time she just escaped tartarus and came back." Everett was chuckling now. He never seemed to get his hopes down. How could he be so optimistic?

 THE HARD DRIVE. I checked my pocket and it was still there. Thank you Lord Almighty. "Are you looking for that hard drive?" Everett looked at me. How did he know? Where was Ryder? Was he okay? Wait, why should I care? "Where's Ryder?" I asked. Everett gave me a confused look and then a stupid smirk. "Oooh. Have we grown attached to scary and crazy men?"He wiggled his eyebrows at me. My mouth dropped. I have only had a few words with him so how could I possibly be interested in him? "If you must know lover girl, he has his own room. Kinda like a prison but we don't have those, ya know?"

Everett told me what room he was in and after I got released it was where I went straight away. I needed to fulfill what Merrick wanted me to do. Look at the hard drive but have Ryder see it as well. Two guards were stationed outside the room and both nodded noticing who I was. When I entered my mouth dropped to the floor. He was shirtless, his back facing me, he had lashes all over his back some deeper than others. When he turned to face me his eyes widened. He was incredibly toned and chiseled and had his left arm in a full sleeve stopping at his collarbone. I was shocked to notice how detailed it all must have meanings to him but I wasn't here to ogle over him. I cleared my throat which suddenly became dry. 

"H-hello. How have they been treating you?" I wanted to sound normal but my voice took on a high pitched sound. Nice going. He smirked. He knew the effect he had on me. "I could be doing better... I am glad that you are safe and have healed well." he said. "So how long?" he asked. That took me by shock. "What do you mean 'how long'?" His brows furrowed and he looked at me then down to the floor. "How long till they decide to kill me? How many days? How many minutes do I have? I assume they didn't send you to come play with me and get information out of me... so when?" I looked at him this time in a new light. 

"I won't let them kill you. I need answers." I folded my arms across my chest and looked at him. "So you shall have them. What do you wish to know about me? How many girls have I been with? Or no let me guess... how many I've slept with?"He raised an eyebrow at me. Okay smart ass how many girls? You know what no. I don't wanna know. But I kinda do. "Very funny." I mocked. 

"My full name is Ryder Dominic Domhnall. I am 19 years old. Not a virgin. I have super strength and telekinesis as my powers and I can feel emotions as well as hide my own." Well shit. That would explain why I never really could read the man, he was able to hide his emotions. But he could read mine. I started to sweat. "Yes love, I know how I make you feel." He had a dark chuckle. Well then that's settled. "Now, may I ask you the same?" he asked. "My full name is Harlow Murkin. I am currently 18 years old. I am a virgin if you must know. I don't have powers." I shrugged the last part may or may not be true. I mean I did break the dining room table the first night I was "kidnapped."He chuckled. "You have powers whether you care to notice it or not. I haven't been able to use my telekinesis on you since you showed up at the establishment's base."He frowned. 

Wait a damn minute. 

He tried to use his powers on me? What Darth Vader, what are you gonna do about it? Huh? Despite how I was feeling I was able to hide my shock. 

He knew though I mean he could sense or feel my emotions he knew I was nervous about it. "My brother gave me the hard drive before he..." I couldn't finish the sentence. Ryder looked up at me and gave me a tight smile. "Died?" he said. A tear fell from my eye. Merrick was gone and it was my fault. I didn't know how but I just felt like it was my fault. "I didn't mean to upset you. Please think of something else. I can feel your pain... please know it wasn't your fault and your brother is in a better place." He was closer to me than he was before. How did I not notice this? I stepped closer. The hole my brother left I didn't know if it could be filled but standing so close to Ryder made the pain hurt less. His eyes looked me up and down and his hand rested on my arm. He was gentle this time. I looked up at him and saw a small smirk on his face. 

"Are you alright my love?" he asked. Nobody asked me how I felt in such a long time. When did he start thinking he could call me these endearing names. It was weird yet comforting like I've been called them before. Which I haven't.

  "You can't just do this." I pointed my finger at him then me. "Us? Yeah. No. That can't happen. You've killed innocent men and women. People who had families. Have you ever thought about that? That we would love too or did you think we all were just 'moles' underground? Did you really think that I could just forgive and forget? My brother's dead and who should I blame for that? Huh?"my voice went from a calm whisper to hissing. 

He took a step back and that's when I knew I messed up. He threw his hand in his hair again and walked back and then turned around and looked at me. This time he was much much closer and I froze. 

"You have no clue who I am. You know nothing about my life. You don't know my struggles. Hell have you ever had your own? You have been trapped in this small hole of a rebellion base and you never stepped foot outside? You think I wanted to kill those men and women? We all serve someone and right now you're serving the rebels. If they asked you to kill would you? Or would you put your family in harm's way and let your father abuse them and you for not following orders? Do you even know what it's like to live? To breathe? You all sit in the hole in the ground and wait for death to take you because you all are weak and incompetent people who gave up when the establishment took over. Do not blame me for your issues and your brother's death. We both saw who took the shot at him and that was not me nor my sister." His eyes glared at me and set me on fire. Or at least I felt like I was on fire. 

How could he mention my brothers death so easy. I guess if you've seen enough of it, it didn't matter anymore. "Okay..." I whispered and left. I had nothing left to say to him. As the door shut something was thrown at the door from the inside. I would come back when we both cooled down and weren't willing to rip each others faces off.

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